Chapter 20

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                   Chapter 20

               ( Owen's POV )

“Do you by any chance have a crush on that guy?” Hugo asked

I sloughed my shoulders and released a sigh. He has been asking me the same question after what had happened at lunch.

“If you ask me that one more time I swear to god I am—”

“You're gonna what?” He asked


“Exactly what I thought, why don't you even want to answer me anyway?” He mumbled

“Maybe because it's my life, my problems, and I seriously don't think that you have the right to know everything that goes on in my life!” I replied while stomping my foot on the ground and stopped walking.

The other school kids who were passing by looked at me as if I was crazy. I pointed at my earphones that were in my ears, they shook their heads and kept on walking. We also continued to walk

I had hoped that my friends would have walked me to the bus stop but they gave me excuses about how they have somewhere else to be as if being with me wasn't that important.

I rolled my eyes at that thought

“You're acting like a 6-year-old— And you look like one too,” he said with his hands on his hips

“6-year-old? Are you being for real right now,” I asked him

He chuckled and looked the other way.

I got off the bus first with Hugo following me like a lost puppy

“Hey! Do I look like a lost puppy?” He asked offended

I cracked a small smile while I opened the door to my house. Hugo huffed behind me, I still had my smile as my face was turned away from him

“And finally he has arrived”

I lifted my head to look at who it was.

Dylan was standing in front of me with his hands held out, Don was not around.

“What are you doing here?” I asked with a  steady voice.

To be honest I was brave because of Hugo's Presence. Hugo moved closer to me, I felt his warmed behind me

“Oh— sorry for being so loud,” Dylan said, his hands dropped.

“I asked you a question, ” I said

“Your mother wanted us to properly talk with each other as the last time we tried it didn't go well,” He said.

He had his one hand tight in a fist while his breathing wasn't steady, his chest raised and fell at a higher pace while his forehead dripped in his sweat.

“I—” He couldn't form a sentence

He placed his hand on his chest as he wheezed out for air. His knees slowly dropped to the floor as his nose released blood, he held out his other hand to me.

I looked at him with no emotion in my soul. I knew that they always had tricked me in the past to feel sorry for them and to forgive them, only later on they would change and hurt me again.

“Brother?” Don called out as he came in from the other door we hand at the back, we didn't use it that much.

“What did you do!?” Don shouted as he ran to help Dylan

I filched and took a step back, I bumped into Hugo who was still standing behind me with his hand on my waist. I didn't notice that he had it there earlier on.

As I turned around to look at Hugo, I found his face shape had changed.

His face looked harder and sharper with his hair in flames, it looked like they placed fire on his head but it looked yellow at the roots and dark red at the top, it fell on his shoulders and stopped just below his hip. His hand had red claws. His eyes were black with white slits.

I gasped loudly as I pushed myself away from him, he looked scary and different.

His eyes were differently pointed at Don and Dylan who were now behind me.

My head slowly turned as I looked at them, I felt my heart rejoice at the scene in front of me. Dylan was on the floor with a pool of blood in front of him. Don lifted him from the floor, he dialed a number on his phone, and requested an ambulance.

I felt my thoughts clear up, I looked around and got the message of what was going on. If I didn't stop Hugo from whatever he was doing to Dylan then he could die.

'You can stop now'

I said to Hugo in my mind.

Dylan stopped wheezing and the blood was less too.


😳😳👀 HOLD UP!!!!!

Where the hell did all of this come from.....when I tell you that I didn't plan this please believe me. Cause like wow I am shocked at what happened.

Question for the chapter::👀👀👀👀👀

What do you think is going on with Hugo.....cause I am confused as you🤞

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