Chapter 29

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           Chapter 29

          Owen's POV

When I entered my room, my nose got assaulted with the smell of blood but it didn't exactly smell like the usual blood smell.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. I looked around the room trying to find the source of the smell, I walked around the room till I reached my wardrobe.

It smelled stronger when I got to it. I opened the door and found out that it was no other than Hugo who was in there.

“Hugo?” I called to him

He was sitting down with his back resting on the board behind him, his head was slouched and his knees were brought up to his chest. His nails were now claws and they were bloody, his ears were releasing that black liquid.

“Hugo? Can you hear me?” I asked him

He didn't answer back to me. So I touched his shoulder just to check if he was still breathing and luckily he wasn't freezing but he was flaming hot.

I pushed his head back lightly so that I wouldn't hurt him further. His face had deep scratches which were slowly healing.

He opened his eyes slowly, they were glowing red just like those I saw in Red's car.

“You...are.. back,” He smiled softly and bought his hand to my face

“Hugo, what happened?” I asked him.

He dropped his head on my shoulder as I had been kneeling close to him. I was so scared that I couldn't be bothered by the smell of the black and Red blood that was on him.

“Shit!” I cursed loudly

I felt tears streaming down my face as I felt guilty. I was busy sucking Red's face while Hugo waited for me and was hurting too.

I dragged him out of the wardrobe as he was too heavy for me to lift. I  placed him close to the bed and went out of my room to look for something which I could clean him, but I couldn't find any so I was going to risk taking him to the bathroom.

I checked if my mother was awake, luckily she was not in the house.

I went back to the room and laid a towel on the ground to put Hugo on. I dragged him to the bathroom and into the bathtub that was filled with warm water.

He held his breath a little as the water touched his skin but after a while, he eased back into the tub. He was in pain as his face kept scrunching up.

“Stop worrying I can feel your emotions and they ain't so lovely,” He said

I whimpered as I tried to keep my cries within me. But I couldn't keep them in anymore as I openly cried out.

I couldn't understand the pain that I felt strongly in my heart, because even when my family abused me I never felt such pain and just seeing Hugo like this hurt me the most.

“I'm so sorry,” I found myself saying to Hugo

“What happened my rose?” He asked

“I...I kissed Red when we were in his car and I felt guilty because of what I did. It's just that I...”

He got quiet as he was still processing what I was saying

“Did you have to put me in here in my clothes though?” He chuckled

“Hugo I said I.....”

“Owen I know what you did and that's the reason why I'm like this but can we please not talk about anyone else other than us?” He pleaded

I dropped my head in shame. I and Hugo were nothing official but I felt like we were something more than this but why?


I know that it is short but I wanted to give you something even if it is not that much, But worry not because tomorrow you'll find a longer one. Tomorrow I'm going to be working on chapter 30 for the whole day which means it'll be long longggggg

And if you are reading this note it means you care and thank you so much.😄😙

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