chapter 13

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Chapter 13

( Owen's POV )

"Why are you back early?" Asked Red.

He was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, and a glass of wine in hand.

"Uh...yeah we got out early," I said

It's not like I'm about to tell my friend about my crazy experience with a demon. I do not want him to think that I have lost it or worse if they think I have joined some sort of cult.

"Kyle leave my wine alone would you" Mrs hept shouted as she marched towards Red.

Red quickly placed the glass on the table and crosses his hands, he had a cute pout.

" Mom! I told you to stop calling me that, my name is Red"

"Red my foot." She took her glass and dropped lazily next to him "Why would you even want to name yourself after a color?" She asked as she sips her drink.

"I just like the name so please let's not fight over this." He still had his arms crossed.

I felt my heart ache at the scene playing in front of me, it's not that I'm jealous of their healthy relationship it's just that sometimes I wish that my...

"Are you okay dear?" Mrs. Hept had her glass down, she looked concerned.

"Yes," I said.

I don't want to involve her in my dramatic life, I have enough people involved and it's enough that she allows me to stay in her home even if she never has met my... parents.

"I'll be going back home tonight would you be able to drive me back?" I was directing the question to Mrs hept.

Red dropped his hands and the pout left his face in an instant

"What do you mean by that?" He stood up and approached me, I took a step back.

"I can't always run away Red." I felt eyes on me and those eyes belonged to Chaise and Green.

"Who said you're running away, and they hurt you once what makes you think that they wouldn't do it again," Red said as he held my hand in his.

In times like this, I wish that we were both a couple and he would squeeze me in his embrace and allow me to cry all I want, but that's never gonna happen is it?

"This is my fight and not yours, even if they do end up doing that I'll heal, and also this time I will report them I promise." I tried my best not to let myself cry but I felt the moisture in my eyes.

He let go of my hand and went upstairs, I wish he tried to convince me more.

Green and Chirs followed him they didn't say a word either

"Go get your clothes I'll drive you." Said Mrs. Hept, I had forgotten that she was here.

"I think I'll go alone but thanks."

"Do you think this is the best decision?" She asks

"No I don't, but I also can't keep expecting others to fix my problems I have to grow up at some point don't I?"

"We never grow up we just adjust and please do remember that this is your second home dear." She left after that

I took my sorry ass to Reds room where I left my clothes.

When I got in, he wasn't there. I guess he doesn't want to see me but what did I even do that got him so worked up?


I was now standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive, my face was in my hands while I had my school bag next to me.

"I leave you for a few hours and you get yourself kicked out"

I lifted my face off my hands, only to see that demon's disgusting handsome face.

"Why are you making that face?" he asks

"What face"

I'm not in the mood to talk to demons and unfortunately I don't have the guts to tell him that.

"Whatever. So why have they kicked you out?"

I dropped my face back into my hands as I didn't have the energy or gut to talk back to him.

"You know... I can't hurt you in any way as long as I have you as my... uhm leader I think."

Is he for real?

"You giving me the silent treatment now or your lips have been sealed shut by something else."

I still didn't feel like testing my luck with him. Firstly I haven't read the contract that he was talking about, meaning that he might lie to me and end up hurting me

I heard a sigh from him "Fine"

We both kept quiet till the bus arrived. I got in and took a seat close to the window.

I felt presence next to me, when I looked I saw that it was the dam demon

I ignored him and watched the droplets race down the window,

when did it even start raining?



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