Chapter Three

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"Open up." My doctor requests as he brings a metal-like device towards my mouth.

I wasn't planning on going to the doctor's office today, but I felt as if I was getting sicker and sicker. I had texted my mom to pick me up from school so I could ditch practice.

My doctor checks my ears and breathing, like he does to every other patient and sits back down in the rolly chair by his computer when he is done.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong, but if you're uncomfortable we can give you some pain meds and see where it goes from there." He concludes while constantly typing on his computer.

Of course he doesn't know what's really wrong with me. When do the doctors ever? I truly believe the only reason doctors ever prescribe medicine was to shut their patient up. I mean, now my mom has driven me out and spent the $20 fee just to find out that they didn't see any thing wrong.

My doctor finishea up the appointment after talking to my mom. He also decides to prescribe me some medicine with a long complicated name. My mom tells me they are just pain medication. I have had a cramp ever since lunch with the off and on headache. I also started getting this pain in my lower back.

I still try not to think about Jake. My chest feels compressed and my heart aches whenever I think of him. As crazy at it seems, I feel like all of these symptoms are from him. Maybe it was some sort of karma for me not asking for his number or flirting or something. I mean, God could just be telling me that Jake is my man and I totally blew him off. I don't truly think this but I humor my imagination. I guess it's just because I can't get Jake off of my mind.

So now we drive towards Walgreens so I can pick up some meds to hopefully make me feel a little less crappy.

My mom hums softly as she drives, leaning back in her chair yet still watching the road. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She barely has on any make-up and still looks beautiful. I mean, my mom is almost fifty and she still looks rocking for her age, if I must say.

My mom has been there for me a lot- more than I even know and admit. My mom does everything for me and my brothers and we barely give anything back to her. We get so wound up in our own lives, we don't think about hers. It's one thing I always wish I could do: make my mom feel like a queen. I want to put her on a pedestal. If I had a million dollars, I would give it to my mom and tell her she could go anywhere she wanted to.

"Thanks for driving me out here mama." I say smiling at her.

She smilea back at me. "Of course baby girl." I love when she calls me this. It wasn't like a name I got for being spoiled rotten. I just actually was the baby girl. I have three older brothers.

Yeah. Three.

I loved them and they without a doubt made me who I am today. Not only am I, the youngest but I am also the only girl. My dad is wrapped around my finger and my brothers are too. As much as they act all stuck up and too good for me they all love me. The are my protectors and will always defend me.

My brother Jace is the oldest. He already graduated from college and lived two towns over from us. He is a teacher at our schools rival high school, ironically.

My second brother was Justin. He's a sophomore in college and is studying something in engineering.

My last brother is also a senior like me. His name is Jeremy. He's almost a full year older than me, but he was held back in the first grade. He's usually the one most annoyed by me, but still would beat up any guy for me.

Why my parents love the letter J- no one really knows. My mom's name is Rachel and my dad's name is Tom. With our last name being Wills, the J came from no where.

My mom and I don't talk much so the car ride is quite peaceful. I am similar to my mom that way, we're both pretty quiet.

While in the drive through of Walgreens, I get a text from Leah asking what had happened at the doctor's office. I give her the update, tell her I am picking up my medicine now and that I would be home soon. She doesn't text me back after that.

I soon find out why.

Pulling down my street, you can see all the balloons in my yard. A group of people stand in my yard including Riley, Leah, and Dylan. Dylan stands on the driveway holding a bouquet of flowers. My mom must have known what was going on because she pulls up at the edge of my street instead of pulling in.

I jump out and want to run to my friends, but I know what this is about.

I walk over to Dylan and he holds the flowers out.

"Jen, being with you makes me feel as high as balloons fly." At these words everyone in my yard let's go of their balloons, causing about ten balloons to float into the sky. "I know I'm not good at rhymes, but just this time, will you go to prom with me?"

I want to dig a hole to bury myself alive.

I mean Dylan is nice and I would have loved to have gone to prom with him if he'd asked me a month ago. Now, however, I can barely forget about Jake, yet alone remember Dylan. I also can't just say no. He had done this incredibly sweet thing just for me. So even though it breaks my heart thinking of Jake, I answer with the word everyone wants to hear.



This was a filler chapter. Sorry, bit not sorry, they got to happen sometimes.

Picture is of Dylan!

OMG JAKE IS GONNA BE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER...... And probably won't go away after that!

Updates may be slow. Soccer season is ending, so if you need me, I'll be on the field;)

Chapter Note:

-Jen's symptoms seem to get worse and worse

-Jen says yes to Dylan only to please him and her friends.

-Jen is starting to wonder if Jake is the cause of these symptoms.

Hope I can update soon! Stay werewolf lovers!!!

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