Chapter FortyTwo

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The scan buzzed to life and I remained still. Wiggling around to delay progress would probably make them angry, resulting in my safety, which I didn't want to risk.

Especially not now.

I couldn't believe I hadn't seen the signs sooner.

My emotions have been all over the place lately I told Jake after I had selfishly snapped at him. It's probably food poisoning I resolved after I threw up.

Even the absence of my period should have hinted me that I was pregnant.

Before this, I walked into Luca's arms to protect my pack, and my mate. Now I knew my first priority was this baby.

I would protect it. Him or her. I wasn't going to let myself die with these demons. I was gonna live, and it was gonna be for my baby.

Our baby.

If Jake had known, well words can't describe what he'd do. He's always hinted that he wanted lots of kids. And now that I was kidnapped, kind of, if he found out his kid was in as much danger as I was......

Well, we all know how that'd go.

So I laid still for about twenty minutes.

When the scan stopped completely I figured the others would be in soon. I knew if they found out, it would be one more thing they could hold against me. One more thing they could threaten me with. So they could not know.

I wondered how bad this scan could be for the baby. I mean they do always ask that question before. Kayla did, which I'm sure is because she does things like this everyday. It must be engraved in her brain.

I also hoped that it wouldn't show up on the scan. I knew if it did, Kayla would be able to read it, or hopefully, since she should know what she's doing. It really came down to if the scan would show it. I had no idea what a ct scan showed in the body, so I only hoped.

"Get her out of the scan and bring her back to the exam room." I heard Luca tell someone from right outside the door.

It swung open to reveal Kayla, who stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She made her way next to my side as her hands fluttered over me.

When she was done I stood up and walked over to Jake's clothes. I picked up his shirt. I could give up his pants and if I was gonna be in this gown anyways I figured I'd ditch the underwear.

I brought the shirt up to my nose and inhaled. It smelled like his scent. His indescribable scent that I couldn't get enough of. This was the only reason I would keep the shirt.

I made my way to the door to comply to Luca's wishes when Kayla cleared her throat.

"I could see it on the scan." She tells me. It's not her words that stop me, it's how she says them. She's clear and confident. Not nervous and jumpy.

"See what?" I asked stupidly. Well not all stupidly. I didn't actually think she was talking about the baby at first.

"You're pregnant." She tells me, sounding almost pitiful. "It was on the scan. From the size I'd say roughly three months." She tells me shrugging.

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