Chapter TwentyThree

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A week later, I find myself in my room getting ready for prom with Jake constantly nagging me.

"Why can't you just cancel?" He asks me pouting. He has already asked me this question over twenty times.

"Because I am not a quitter." I tell him, while concentrating on curling my hair. I plan to do a half down- half up hair-do but I want to curl all of it first. I'm almost done getting ready and Jake has not been helping me speed-up the process.

"What if I just went with you?" He asks, another question he has repeated too many times.

"Because you don't have a ticket and you can't buy them last minute."

"I don't need a ticket to crash a prom." He tells me winking at my reflection in the mirror as he gets up. He usually isn't allowed in my room but since I had to get ready, my mom consented. The only contingency is that I leave the door open.

As he stands behind me he wraps his arms around my waist. Against my wishes, he pushes my hair to the side and kisses the side of my neck. I bite my lip as to not let out a moan. I know he's doing this to prove a point, so I do my best to ignore him.

When I'm finally done I pull part of imy hair up and spray a whole lot of hairspray on it. The fruity, sticky spray causes Jake to step back and cough.

"Now I need to put on my dress, so you need to step out." I tell him.

He grabs my hand and pecks my lips, then turns. Before he's out the door he mumbles something I barely catch. "It'd be so much more fun if I'd stayed."

I roll my eyes. I make my way to my closet and pull out my royal blue dress. The dress is sleeveless, but the blue part looks strapless. Above the blue strapless part was a see through netting that is sparkly. There is also a sparkly belt just below my chest.

After securing my dress on my I hunt my shoes down. I find my high pair of sparkly silver heels and strap them to my feet. Then I make my way down the stairs.

Once on the main floor and in the hallway I walk to the living room. Turning around the corner I see Jake sitting on the couch with my dad and mom. As soon as they hear my heels they all turn their heads.

Their expressions are all different, as they take my appearance in- making me look down to make sure I had actually put on the dress.

My dad's face looked sad. Probably feeling the classic over-protective my little girl is growing up feelings.

My mom has a huge smile on her face. She looks proud and radiant. I hope she thinks I'm as beautiful as she is.

Jake's face is the best. His mouth hangs open, but not in a jaw-dropping way. More specifically in awe. His eyes seem to be captivated by mine and they follow my face as I walk across the room.

"How do I look?" I ask, to no one in particular. My dad stands up first and wraps his arms around me.

"You look beautiful baby." He says to me. My mom nods her head behind him and I'm handed into her arms next. Then I turn to Jake.

"I'm definitely crashing your prom now." He whispers in my ear as he too hugs me.

"Yeah, how about no!" I giggle as I step away from all three of the people in front of me. "We're meeting at Leah's house for pictures, so we need to go now before we're late. You sure you don't want to come dad?" My mom and Jake already decided they wanted to drive me to pictures. My dad told me he would pass though, so I asked just to make sure.

"No, I'll pass. You better tell me if that Dylan boy breaks your heart." Jake clenches his jaw at the thought and I assure my dad that I will. Then we head out to the car.

We almost make it before we run into Justin.

"Look at my little sis, all grown up!" He fake squeals like a teenage girl. "You better send me lots of pictures with you and that doofus." I smack his arm as he chuckles and give yet another person a hug. I swear by the end of this night I'll have hugged everyone in Fairfield.

We speed over to Leah's house and make awkward small talk in the car. When we pull up to Leah's house we park down the street due to all of the cars already there. Then we start our walk to the house, which is pretty far now that we parked halfway across the neighborhood.

There are already a bunch of people there, thanks to Leah's
popularity. I walk around trying to find one of my friends and end up running into my "date".

"Jen! You look so beautiful!" Dylan tells me and I thank him quietly. Jake growls next to me and all of us look towards him. "You're Jake, right?" Dylan ask's him, holding out his hand.

Jake takes it reluctantly and nods his head. "Yeah, Jen's boyfriend."

Dylan nods his head again, awkwardly.

Oh, this was going to be a long night.


Picture of Jen's dress!

Sorry this is posted so late in the day! I almost forgot to include prom, so this is all I'm gonna write about it!

Next chapter you get to meet Jace's girlfriend! You may be surprised by Jake's reaction to her.......




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