Chapter ThirtyTwo

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At first, there was pain. A drumming in my pulse and the aching in my neck. Then there was pleasure. Want and lust surging through my body. Finally, there was darkness.

• • • • •

I came to in our bedroom. I was on the bed, yet felt like I was lying in a bean bag. I observed two body pillows on either side of me like they were boxing me in.

Then I observed that I wasn't alone. On both sides of the room were two men, each standing there, motionless and expressionless. They reminded me of the guards in Europe that wore the black fluffy hats and skirts. They were silent, and didn't flinch at my movements.

I felt disoriented and sore, like I had just had a really hard soccer practice and was feeling the after effects.

The window told me it was night, since there was no light eliminating from it. I wondered how long I had been out, considering it had either been hours or a day.

I shifted from my position, rolling over to try to get a better position. Jake walked through the door as soon as I'd faced it.

He look tensed, but more worried than angry. He slowly approached the bed and simply stood there.

"Hey there." He tells me weakly. I wonder why he seems so down. After all, I'm the one supposedly going through this horrible thing.

"Hey." I attempt to tell him normally but end up croaking it out with my dry voice. He hands me a glass of water, but I can tell the room temperature water won't make a difference. "How long..." I start, trailing off in hopes Jake will understand.

"Only three hours." He groans. My conscious tells me that he's not groaning because now he has to deal with me, but apart from my conscious, my hormonal teenager was freaking the hell out.

I picked my hand up and reached for Jake. As he saw my intentions he took a step back.


"Jen, I need to explain a few things to you before your body has an episode." I try to stay calm as my mind starts to worry. Episodes? Why would I have an episode?

"Through out this week, there will be short periods of time where your body will act up, which is where the pain comes in." He speaks carefully, gauging my reaction as he goes. "It will probably come on very quickly, and could last up to an hour or two. It could also be happening every six hours depending on your hormones."

I was appalled by this new information. Thanks for telling me earlier, bud.

"My touch will take away your pain, but increase your desire. That's why those two are here." He tilts his head towards statues one and two. "Us wolves believe we have to survive this week to show we have will power. These guys are here to make sure that what we want to happen, doesn't."

I understood what he meant about us not waiting the full week. If we mated too early, there was a good chance I wouldn't make it the rest of the week. Jake had explained how much I would want him though, and how much he would want to give in, so the guards made sense.

"But don't forget I'm here for you." He whispers. I want to get emotional at how sweet he is, but I never got the chance.

Like Jake said, it came quickly. It felt like a cramp that you may get on your time of the month, but it got worse and worse. It wasn't just in my stomach, it spread to my chest and shoulders. It made my legs feel like led.

I didn't scream until I felt the heat. The warming of my fingertips, feeling like I had brushed my hand on an iron.

But surely I wouldn't lay my hand on it then, right?

It felt like my skin could be blistering, or for sure my arm was in flames. When I looked to the side though, my arm was lying there motionless.

"It hurts!" I hollered, and Jake finally grabbed my face. I panted as his touch soothed me. The pain melted away and I wished it would stop there, but of course it didn't.

I surprised myself and Jake when I grabbed his hand that was holding my face and pulled him onto me. He fell on top of me, which made me moan in pleasure, instead of groaning.

I attacked his face with my lips and wrapped my legs around his waist. I always saw kissing as an intimate thing, but in this moment I felt like a monster, devouring her prey.

The two guards stepped in as I removed my shirt. Jake had lost control by then and they dragged a thrashing Jake off of a moaning me. I imagined the chaotic scene from an outsiders point of view and internally laughed.

When Jake had gotten a hold of himself, he snapped back to overprotective Jake. He growled at the guards as he threw a blanket over my chest, only being covered by my lacy bra.

After they took a couple steps back with their hands in the air for surrender, Jake returned to my side. He grabbed my hand this time before the pain replaced the lust and didn't let my futile attempts land him on top of me again.

He look sad and tired as he watched me thrash around and cry. In fact it looked like he was suffering from a terminal disease that was killing him by the second.

After a good forty five minutes of my suffering and crying, the need seemed to finally tame itself. I wasn't trying to get into Jake's pants again and I didn't feel like I was being tossed into a burning pit in hell.

He released my hand, clenching it and straightening it out after my death grip. He didn't crack a smile as he look up to me again.

"One down, only a few more to go." He tells me lightly.

If only then I realized a few would be many multiples of ten.



So I'm kinda on a roll here with the three updates in three days things, but don't get your hopes up. I simply haven't had much homework and have gotten home from my meets early. Plus this chapter was pretty short.


So what do you think? Do you like how I made the "heat phase" as I did? Or do you like it better when they go through it to make sure the process is getting done? Your feedback would be appreciated.


So maybe I'll update tomorrow or maybe not. I guess we'll wait and see.

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