Chapter Four

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Let me tell you this much, if you're a guy and you ask a girl to prom, it does not mean that you are now inseparable soul mates.

Not to name any names, but hint-hint: Dylan.

Ever since Monday when he had asked me to prom, he has been attached to me like a puppy. It's like he decided that he wanted to go from the "just friends" stage to the "dating steadily for awhile" stage. And let me tell you, it is very annoying.

It's currently Friday. Finally. I am still sick, but I was proud to say I had fought through it and hadn't stayed home once all week. I know the cramps and pains are still here, but the pain meds do help.

Currently I am sitting at lunch with Dylan and Leah. Leah's talking on the phone with Tyler, so she is totally pre-occupied. Dylan plays with my hair, like its totally normal for him to do so, while I'm trying to hold down my food. From the sickness I've been experiencing or from Dylan, I'm not quite sure. I do feel a lot worse when I'm around Dylan though.

Leah gets off the phone and looks around at the table. "Party at Tyler's tonight!" She yells, making sure the whole table hears. A couple kids whistle and I roll my eyes. Leah, similar to Riley, is drop dead gorgeous. She stands about 5' 5" and has dark, brown hair that fell past her shoulders in loose waves. Her face is always tan and she's practically an expert at doing her make-up.

Let's just say, if her and Tyler break up sometime soon- she'd have no problem finding a rebound.

"How bout it babe?" Dylan asks. I internally roll my eyes. He also likes to call me babe, as you can tell.

"I don't know Dylan, I mean I've felt like crap this whole week." I say lightly, since I'm already pretty positive I'm going to end up going to this party. I try to be strong willed, but in all honesty, I feel like I don't have a back bone when it comes to other people getting what they want from me. I am definitely a people pleaser; through and through. I always want everyone else to be happy. It's safe to say that my future kids will be the most spoiled children in the world.

"Come one Jen! We don't even have to go all night, we can just hang for a while, then leave." He pesters me, smiling out of the corner of his mouth and giving me a hopeful look.

Just him giving me that look makes my stomach cramp up.

"Yeah, okay." I shrug not even caring anymore. Dylan gives me a smile and then wraps his arm around me. When his thumb makes contact with my shoulder I feel a zap. At first I think it's just me, but Dylan suddenly pulls away too.

I don't know what that zap was all about, but I am glad when Dylan keeps his hands to himself the rest of lunch.

- - - - -

I stand in front of my mirror looking at myself. Besides the bags under my eyes from my lack or sleep, I don't look too shabby. I have on a coral, summery dress with a white cardigan. It's only the beginning of May, but I am hopeful that wearing summer clothes could somehow make summer come sooner. I have curled my usually poker straight hair into loose curls that cascad down my back. My make-up is minimal. My shoes are simple white Keds. After I grab my phone I go downstairs to wait for Dylan, who said he would pick me up.

I walk down the stairs right as my brother Justin walks in the house. He still lives at home, since he goes to the community college in Rockton. Next year when he goes out-of-state, I know I'll miss him a lot. Justin is the comedian of the family.

"Why are you so dressed up?" He asks, while popping the "p" sound in up. "Not going on a hot date I suppose?" I roll my eyes. He knows how I feel about Dylan and likes to make fun of me for it. He thinks I should have just said no. He also thinks I shouldn't be allowed to date though............

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