Chapter TwentySix

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Today was Monday, which sucked. But it was also the last Monday before school ended and also my birthday. Obviously that made it the best Monday ever.

I had curled my hair for the special occasion and had worn a summery dress. It was black and white striped and came down to mid thigh. I was happy that Jake didn't see me in the mornings or else I'm sure he would have insisted it was too short.

Since Jeremy was done with school, I was driving alone. I put on my favorite songs and sang aloud the whole way. After I had parked and got out, I was greeted by Riley.

"Happy birthday Ifer!" She squealed throwing her arms around me, nearly knocking me over.

"Thanks Ri!" I gush, hugging her back.

"Got any plans tonight with Jake?" She asked, moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Ummmm...." I dragged out. "I'm not quite sure."

I had already filled Riley in on everything to do with Jake, omitting the werewolf and mate part. Honestly, I couldn't tell her much, but she still asked about us a lot.

"Uh-oh!" Riley says excitement lighting up her face. "Are you guys gonna do it tonight?!" She practically yells at my face.

"Shhhh! Can you not yell that aloud." I hushed.

"So it's true?!" Riley squealed grabbing my arm and jumping up and down. I swear sometimes she was more concerned about my virginity than she was about hers.

"No, it's not true. I'm actually hoping he didn't forget." I tell her looking at the ground.

"Well when was the last time you mentioned it?" She wonders, dropping her tone to a serious one.

"Well, I said something on the first date we went on but that was weeks ago."

"Oh." She stated blandly. "That would be awkward."

"Wow. Thanks Riley." I tell her rolling my eyes.

"Anytime girl."

Besides the occasional birthday wishes and the laid back classes, she rest of the day was as boring as any other Monday. Jake texted me right when the lunch bell rang.

I got really excited when I opened the text, only to be disappointed.

Wanna hang out tonight?

So apparently he had forgotten. I mean, I wasn't surprised. Guy's don't pay attention to every single thing you tell them. I felt somewhat let down, but quickly shook my head to ease the feeling. I mean this wasn't his fault. I didn't expect him to remember everything.

I mean sure I remembered that his was on October 31st and that he didn't like it because he was always thrown halloween themed parties. But that was only because it stood out, you know, with it being on halloween and all.

I texted back that I was available and he responded almost immediately.

I'll pick you up at 8:00

• • • • •

Jake didn't tell me where we were going, which I thought was overly cheesy and cliché. He did tell me to dress comfortable though, and casually.

I put on yoga pants and a black pair of converse. I also wore a long sleeve shirt. Even though the weather was getting warmer and warmer, it was still chilly at night.

My family usually took us out on any of our birthdays for dinner, but tonight hadn't worked out. My dad had to work late and Justin had an interview for a job he was applying to.

Plus Jace was already bringing Anna over, since he had totally forgotten about my birthday and Jeremy was out with his friends.

I put on a little make up but didn't want to over do it. Then I went down stairs to wait.

Anna and Jace were in the living room watching a movie. I had no idea where my mom was but if I had to guess I'd say she was in her room. I had finally gotten her to read the twilight books and now she was hooked.

I saw headlights flash through the window so I bid a goodbye to by brother and Anna and headed outside. Jake was just stepping out of his car when he saw me.

"I hate it when you do that." He sighs. I know he's talking about the fact that I came out before he got me.

"Well I hate it when you do that too! I know you're a gentleman, I don't need you to come get me from the door to prove it."

I went to the front of the car and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then he followed me to the passenger side of the car and opened my door, much to my dismay.

He pulled out of my driveway and started driving out of town. I wondered where he would take me, until we stopped at the last park before the town's borders.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him curiously.

"We're celebrating your birthday with a picnic." I drop my jaw in shock. So he hadn't forgotten! Almost reading my mind he tells me, "Of course I didn't forget it was you're birthday, Jen."

He rolls his eyes jokingly and then pulls me in for a kiss. It was a short kiss, which made me frustrated. When I pulled him in for more though, he gently pushed me away.

"We'll have plenty of time for that." Jake tells me walking towards the trunk of his car. He pulls out a big checkered blanket and a couple plastic bags from the grocery store.

"Couldn't find a basket?" I tease him.

"Did you honestly expect me to have a basket?" He asks me with a sarcastic face.

"Hahaha I guess not."

We walk into the park and Jake lays the blanket down on a flat part of the ground. He sets the bags down and starts pulling stuff out. I smile at the junk food he pulls out, along with the plastic glasses and a bottle of champagne.

"Well I've never had Cheetos with champagne before." I tell him as he hands me the filled "glass".

"Trust me it's the best." I giggle and he stops what he's doing and looks at me. "I love you so much."

I stop giggling and capture his eyes with mine.

In a second he's hovering over me and I'm crushing the bag of Cheetos. His lips are moving faster than my mind can process and his hands seem to be on my back, neck, hair and arms at the same time.

I slipped my hands under his t-shirt to feel his hard stomach as he sticks his tongue in my mouth. I try to pull his shirt off when he pulls away.

"Let's go a little slower, yeah?" He pretty much tells me as he gets off of me and sits next to me. I blush and pretend to straighten out my clothes even though they were old sweats that weren't even bent.

Jake notices my reaction and pulls me against him. "You don't gave to be embarrassed. I love you and nothing will change that. I don't want to get lost in the moment though."

I nodded. I did agree with him. I always had that twinge of nervousness every time he pulled away though. I mean what if he doesn't enjoy it like I do.

"So why a picnic?" I ask after it's quiet for a while.

Instead of answering me he lays down and pulls me down next to him. Then he takes my hand. "That's why." He says angling his chin to the stars.

It was already dark and it was a perfect starry night.

"It looks so perfect it's almost unreal." I whisper.

"Like you." He breathes out so quietly I barely hear him.

I don't answer him, but simply turn into his side and rest my head on his chest.


I've been sick for the past two days so I figured I'd update while I can.

Hope you enjoy! Only a couple more chapters until Jen moves into Jake's house!

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