Chapter FortySix

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I lay on the ground, staring at a pool of blood. I wasn't sure, but I think it was mine.

Luca had left the room shortly after Samuels interruption. He didn't say anything to me when he left, but I'm pretty sure he locked the door when he left.

I could get up and attempt to get out, but I was too weak. Nothing was clear, everything blurry and unfocused. He had only managed to hit my head a few times, but it was enough.

A pitter patter sounded in the cell and it was soothing. Kinda like a drop of rain. It dropped, and dripped.

Plunk plunk plunk.

It sounded louder, like a drum or even a stampede. I groaned and slowly pulled my legs against my chest. I thought it would be harder but the slippery floor allowed me to slide then up. I felt better in the fetal position, like I was more protected.

The sound was quiet obnoxious now. A rustling and stomping sound. I didn't even think of the thought of them being footsteps until I heard voices.

"Keep looking! I know she's here!" I recognized that voice. There was something in it that set it out from others, but it was barely familiar to me. I realized who and laughed at the irony of it.


I would never forget the amount of times I cursed him as I writhed in the pain of my heat. Denny was here, looking for a she.

I'm guessing that the "she" they are looking for is me.

I waited patiently. I waited for them to open the door and let Jake know that I was here. That I was alive.

The door never opened.

I was getting nervous. Why were they not checking this room? Did they not search all the doors? Panic built inside me as I started to hyperventilate. If they never found me, I could die here.

Just as my body was clenching and going into a full panic attack, I heard a distant sound. A howl, one that I felt inside my bones. My mate.

"Jake...." I gasped out. His name was so foreign yet so comforting on my tongue. As much as I'd thought of him I hadn't said his name. Now, it was the only thing I ever wanted to say.

"Jake..... Jake!" I cried, praying he'd hear.

The door shook suddenly when I hear his voice again.

"She's behind this wall!" Jake shouts. I wonder how Luca could have gotten a wall put up before he left, but that so called wall is crashing down along with the door as Jake falls into the room.

He hasn't even completely hit the floor before he's making his way to me. His eyes are dark, and his body, even in his human form, is wolf-like.

"Mate." He growls, approaching me at a rapid speed. I don't even flinch at his abrupt arrival. This was Jake, my Jake.

"Jake." I sigh as he touches me. His rough, calloused hand against my blood stained cheek is comforting in so many ways.

"Jen, oh baby I'm here okay. I'm here now." He puts his arms around me and goes to pick my up. As soon as he puts pressure on me he sets me back down as if he'd touched a hot potato. I didn't even realize I had screamed.

The pain was unbearable. It hurt, everywhere. My hips, and my abdomen. Luca's beating that I had received were not just gonna leave bruises.

"Jake, it hurts." I moan. He growls, but I don't think at me. Not much time passes before a very determined Denny runs in the room.

He obviously wasn't prepared for what he saw. He stops in the doorway when he sees me. Jake twitches his head that way but mostly just watches me. Denny walks towards us though, and it gets crazy.

"MINE." Jake screeches at Denny, pushing his body, which makes him fly across the small room against the wall. He crouches over my bent body like an animal and bares his teeth at Denny.

Denny hoists himself up, staring at the ground he responds,

"Yes, Alpha, how can I help.

Even in my dazed state I recognized how that word seemed out of place. But Jake's only a beta......

Jake barks out orders to him and he leaves. Then Jake sits down next to me, and puts my head on his lap.

"Jen..... I..." His voice chokes and my mate cries. Jake, he's crying.

"Jake, how did you find me...."

"We got an email that we traced, and we stole an suv from a blood sucker that dropped off your pregnancy test. Your scent was all over it and we hacked into the cars gps to see where it took you."

"You know about the baby?" I ask him, placing my bloody hands over my stomach. He gulps, quite loudly, before letting his hands cover mine.

"Yeah, just a few day's ago a vampire walked into our territory waving the test in our faces." Tears are still rolling down his face, and I know why.

"I probably lost it, the baby, I don't think it could have survived this..... This abuse..."

I start crying too, as Jake hunches over, letting his tears drip onto my own face.

Even after the beating I received, I feel better now, here with Jake.

We cry for a while. For each others loss that is both of ours. We cry for our baby.

"Maybe it is okay, maybe it lived Jake." I say after I feel all my tears have been lost.

"Yeah maybe." He sniffs. He wipes his eyes and sits up straighter, right before more people enter the room, Jake's dad among them.

"Alpha." The all mumble, not looking Jake in the eye. I still wish to ask why they are calling him that, but I'm afraid of showing disrespect. Jake answers my question without me asking anyways.

"I challenged Tyler for the alpha position, I won." He tells me. I frown, confused.

"Is Tyler the beta now, then?"

"No," he draws out. "Tyler is dead. I killed him."


Only a few more to go😏

What do you think about Jake killing his own brother?

Do you think the baby survived?

Just keep reading, just keep reading.....

^^tries to have Nemo moment🙄

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