Chapter Six

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Jake and I both sit at the kitchen table. Jake had ordered Tyler to take himself as well as Leah out of the room after Tyler had blurted-out his odd confession.

"You know, Tyler is kind of an idiot." Jake states, when I give him a pointed look to let him know I want an explanation. "When he said human, I'm sure he meant girl." I flare my nostrils and give him the meanest look I could muster, which causes my body to tense up. "And when I mean girl...." He quickly adds, "I mean hormonal, and dramatic. I didn't mean to be sexist." He finishes.

I continue staring him down. "Yes, because god forbid I be a hormonal and dramatic girl." I spit at him.

"That's not what I meant!" He tries to correct himself. "I'm so sorry Jen, I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you. Please don't be upset. I would do anything to make it up to. Anything at all. I don't know what I'm talking about, but if you want me to walk a hundred miles to pick up something for you or drive you anywhere you want for the next month, then I will. Please forgive me though." He pleads with big puppy-dog eyes. I want to keep my bitch face on, but he actually sounds sincere; he actually sounds worried. People get this thought that only girls can pull that puppy-dog face, but Jake was as adorable as can be right now and he was pulling one off to a tee.

"Whatever. I forgive you for calling me hormonal and dramatic." I say while rolling my eyes. Jake's body relaxes and he lets out a relived sigh.

"Now that that's cleared, I want to take you on a date." He says confidently.

I wasn't even that surprised at his sudden proclamation. I had known of this guy for a week and I already felt like he was meant to be here with me. I understood why, but it still catches me surprised.

"Why me?" I ask innocently.

"That's easy," he responds with a smirk. "Ever since I saw you at that store I knew we were meant to be."

My heart speeds up and my eyelids flutter as he tells me this. My body starts to get warm as I think about his words.

We were meant to be he had said. Does Jake really have feelings for me like I do for him?

"I would love to....." I respond, trying to think of a quick excuse to get out of it. Even though I had a feeling Jake would eventually get to me, I didn't want this right now. I want to go and sleep this hangover away. "But I've been sick all week and this hangover hasn't helped."

Jake tilts his head at me as a smirk grows on his face. "I could help with that." He admits grinning even more as he stands up and comes closer to me.

I lean back in my chair as he stands in front of me. He bends down and raises his hand to touch my face. I flinch. Just my natural reaction, which I barely even noticed, set him off.

First its the heavy breathing. He then stands up and clenches his fists at his sides. His eyes get very dark and after about ten seconds he turns around- away from me- and grabs his hair as if attempting to pull it out. He stands facing away from me for half a minute before he whips around again.

"Who hurt you?"

I sit here appalled by his inquiry. What does he mean? No one had hurt me.

"Why do you think someone hurt me?" I retort.

He breaths through his nose like one of those raging bulls and glares at me.

"You flinched." He points out. "I raised my hand to touch your face and you flinched."

I try to sustain the blush that crawls up my face at the thought of Jake touching me. Instead I let out a nervous giggle in an attempt to release some tension.

"You think that I flinched because someone has hurt me?" I ask lightly. "Jake, I have three brothers at home and if a hand comes at your face like that in my family, you better hope it's not your brother trying to poke your eye out!" When I finish I look up to Jake's face. He looks relived, yet confused.

"You're an odd one." He says once I release all of my giggles. "I apologize for reacting how I did, maybe I'd know these things if you'd allow me to take you out." He smoothly brings up again.

I want to roll my eyes- he was so right. I did want to spend time with him, believe me I did, but I was just scared of the consequences. What would it mean if I continue down this unfamiliar road? Am I ready for every relationship thing that was to come?

I need to live a little, though. I need to get out there more often and if I could pick anyone to begin something with right now, Jake seems like the perfect guy.

"Okay fine. I'll go." I give in. He smiles, forgetting about everything that had just happened.

"Great, I'll pick you up at six."

While feeling so nervous and excited about the date, I almost forget about what Tyler had said. Almost.


Just a filler chapter, but I guess kinda important. That's why its a little short.

Getting closer and closer to 100 reads each day..... Keep it up readers!!!!

Still don't know how to add cast members...... *sighs and tries not to act disappointed.

Btw- the reason I was so specific on the time of their actions above is because I hate when writers will say things like "I laughed for two minutes before I calmed down....." I mean come on people, two minutes is a hella a lot longer than you think, and I've never been in a moment before where I've laughed two minutes straight! :p

Chapter Notes:

•Obvys Jen will remember what Tyler said last chapter!

•Obvys means obviously💁🏼

•Jake is quick to make assumptions, especially based off of Jen (a.k.a- when he thought she was being hurt.)

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