Chapter FortyThree

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I studied the crack in the concrete on the floor that I currently lay on. It was the only crack in the slab of the concrete that made up the floor of my cell. What had currently been a smooth, new piece of rock was ruined. Kind of like me.

The torture they had been putting me through was all for nothing. Nothing had changed. Nothing was different. Yet they still pumped my body full of their tainted blood that seemed to kill me a little more each day.

I couldn't tell you how long I'd been here, maybe a week. I imagined Jake was going crazy. I thought about him a lot, but not as much as our baby.

Just in the week I'd been here my baby bump had become more defined. I'm sure my theory about the increased growth rate was correct, for a regular human baby sure didn't show after only a couple weeks.

The procedures they did hurt. They made me rather go into heat again ten times over. I had bruises on my wrists, ankles, and the back of my head, from the struggle I put up in the restraints.

Last time they told me they weren't gonna inject their blood again. After all there was no progress, and they didn't want to ruin me more if they didn't find a way yet. I wasn't sure what they would do this time, but I hoped it wasn't as painful.

The door opened and Micah stepped in. He had still stuck around most of the time when they tested me. Lately he had been the one to fetch me for the trials.

"Please no. Not now." I begged, nonchalantly moving my hand over my stomach.

"Come one, don't be difficult." Micah spits at me. I push my self up, and saunter his way, glaring at him when I passed.

I had started to memorize the path in this maze of cells. I guess that was a good thing if I ever wanted to escape. Then again, I didn't think that opportunity would arise anytime soon.

When I went to step into what I called the "torture chamber", Micah grabbed my arm and pushed me to go straight. So I continued down the hall, a little cautious now.

We turned a corner and I recognized the hallway from a long time ago. Well not that long ago, considering it had probably been like a week. This hallway contained the first exam room I had ever been in and the ct scan room.

Micah had made his way ahead of me during our walk so when he turned into the room I followed behind him.

After we had entered, the room contained three people, since Kayla was already here.

Kayla sat by the computer again, looking as ragged as I probably did. From the multiple times I had been moved around, I knew Kayla had been living in a cell similar to mine. Hers had a computer though, but it only worked for her to do files and medical stuff.

I wandered over to the bed and sat down. Micah took out his phone and started grumbling about crappy internet.

When Luca walked in Kayla tensed in her chair and Micah grudgingly put his phone away.

"Good, good you're already here." Says Luca as he sits next to the chair between Kayla and Micah. As slap-happy as he seemed when I first arrived he was now very business-serious. His demeanor was always one in deep thought or wonder, and all of the "gentleman" acts he was putting up disappeared quickly.

"Why am I here?" I ask boldly. Luca gave me an annoyed look but still answered quickly.

"We're doing another general checkup, this time more specific- blood work and such to be able to begin more procedures."

I shuddered at the thought.

So kayla began her role of questions again just like she had only a couple days ago. When she took my weight I couldn't help but notice I hadn't lost any weight. In fact I was two pounds heavier, even though I had eaten very little this past week. Looks like Jake and I's werebaby was growing a lot quicker than planned.

Then she got to the hard ones.

"When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" Her voice got slower when she asked. Too slow. She was trying too hard to not let anything show.

"About a week ago." I tell her in a flat voice. They won't think anything.... They won't think anything... I kept telling myself. They couldn't figure it out- they just couldn't.

"Date of your last period.... hasn't changed." She mumbles under her breath. Scrolling down the screen.

"Wait a second." Luca speaks up. I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped. "Why would your period be so late? I know I'm a guy but I'm also a vampire who is not so dumb he doesn't know about a menstrual cycle." 

Kayla and I both stay silent.

"Well?" Luca pushes further. Micah has an annoyed look on his face but I can tell he is interested. I keep quiet and wait for Kayla to respond.

"Well, s-some p-p-people's actually aren't-t regular." Luca raises an eyebrow but doesn't make a move.

"When you draw her blood I want you to test it for a pregnancy." Luca orders her. I glance out of the corner of my eye to see her nod her head once.

When she begins her questions again Luca goes back to his permanent scowl, but Micah looks at me curiously. He must know. I panic.

I answer the rest of my questions and grudgingly give my blood. Luca and Micah both tense as the blood runs out of my arm, but don't act. Thank God for that.

Kayla leaves the room and Luca follows her. This isn't surprising. After all Luca couldn't care less about me when my blood was leaving the room.

"It was very smart of you to lie about that. How'd you get Kayla on your side though? I truly believed she'd do anything we asked." Micah lean's forward with his elbows on his knees.

"Lie about what?" I ask, trying to sound innocent.

"Oh please, Jen. I know Luca is smarter than me but he's not wiser, and I did know you first. You're pregnant. It's honestly a surprise you've kept it this long but he'll find out and when he does he'll be furious."

"Are you not going to tell him?" I ask quietly. He looks at me flatly for a long time before he shakes his head.

"No, but Luca doesn't like secrets, and when he learns you've kept a big one, he'll be very frustrated."

I smile slightly at him as I slightly hate him a little less.


Okay so this is really bad! It's horrible! But it's all I got.

I'm sorry it's been SO long since an update. I recently started talking to a guy, and talk we do, ALL the time😏. So I haven't had as much time to update, but this book's not going anywhere😉.

Keep voting and commenting! I'm thankful for all of you readers, but share! The more reads I get the more motivated I am to update!

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