Chapter one: The Move (Unedited)

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Finally, you thought as you set down the last box of belongings into the moving van. stepping into your old apartment and looking around to double check, You'd miss this place for sure but you were happy to be out of this small space and to be moving to a bigger home.
You walked over to the couch where a cat carrier sat, peeking inside and seeing your cat 'Whisper' asleep curled in the back, you grinned and placed a blanket over the carrier, picking it up and carrying it out. Being sure to leave the apartment key inside so the owners could get to it. One of the movers open your car door for you so you could set the cat carrier inside, flashing you a grin as he gently shut the door after you got inside and rolled the window down.

"We are ready to leave whenever you are, We may take longer to get there so don't be alarmed if we are a bit late" The mover spoke, removing his hat and wiping his forehead.

You respond with a nod giving him a thumbs up to him, Starting the cars engine and pulling out of the driveway as the mover yelled to his crew mates to get the van up and running as he hopped into the van.
The drive was longer then you would have liked, All the way from California to Illinois. It was a very long drive but you knew it would be worth it. You had found a old house that was being sold for cheap, Why? you didn't know, But you new it was underpriced for how good of a house it looked -Aside from being worn down- but you could fix that in a month or two, it's the first of june so you decided by october you should have the house back to its former glory.


It had been a couple days drive when you finally showed up in Haddonfield, Illinois. Driving down the quiet road as you tried to find your new home, your new start. you smiled as you pulled into the driveway of an old abandoned home with a for sale sign out front, as you climbed out of the car you stretched, glad to finally be put of the car.

"Meow" your cats voice caught your attention and you looked over and mentally slapped yourself for almost forgetting Whisper. Climbing over the front seat you pick up the carrier and walk inside the house kneeling down and releasing him, You knew he wouldn't go far, He never likes leaving your side. As he walked out of the carrier he started to stretch and mentally you were thinking Big stretch  as you watched him. He turned and looked at you rubbing against your leg and letting out a few purrs as you pet him, His big green eyes looking up at you before he trotted off to explore his and your new home.
You watch him trot off and set the carrier aside, Standing up once more and walking out of the door to unload your car. As you picked up the first box you hear someone behind you

"Hey! You live here?" a young females voice rang in your ears causing you to pause and turn around looking at her for a moment before you nodded. She was a little bit taller then you, black curly hair and dark brown eyes. She stared at you for a moment and you grew a bit uncomfortable under her gaze, she sighed as she noticed your reaction to her staring.

"I'm sorry for staring, My names Annie, Annie Brackett, We haven't had any new additions to the town in a while. Welcome to Haddonfield...?" she trails off, Expecting you to tell her your name. Your eyes widened a little and you set the box down searching your pockets for your notepad, Pulling it from your coat pocket and writing on it. Annie was clearly confused as you walked up to her and showed her what you had written.

'My name's Y/N, Y/N L/N, I'm mute' Annie's eyes trailed over the note before looking at you as you shot her a smile, to which she returned.

"Well Y/N welcome to Haddonfield, I'm just a few doors down so don't hesitate to come and visit, its the house with the hanging plants and lamps on the porch." You give her a nod and another smile. Annie looks at your car then back at you.

"Mind if I help you unpack?" She asked and you widen your eyes a bit, not expecting her to ask to help. but you welcomed it, nodding as you walked over to the car, opening the trunk so she could grab a box.


It was almost sunset when you and Annie had finished unloading and unpacking the boxes, You had taken the sheets off the furniture and were surprised at how good a condition the furniture was in. You and Annie were now relaxing on the couch after hauling in the last box of kitchen supplies.

"Jeez how did you get that much stuff to fit in your car?" she asked, In response you let out a silent laugh

'Magic' you wrote on the notepad making Annie release a laugh and give you a smile.

"So what are you going to be doing for work here in Haddonfield?" She asked you wave her off, Making it seem like it wasn't important "Come on! I want to know!" she says lightly shoving your shoulder.

You sigh and give in 'Art Teacher at the highschool' you wrote on the notebook and Annie gasped.

"What?! Really?! Those kids are gonna be so lucky to have you as their art teacher!" she exclaimed making your cheeks turn red from embaressment, waving her off, "No really! I was wondering who's art those canvases in the car belonged to" she says with a wide smile and looking out the window, Suddenly realizing what time it was "Oh shoot I got to go!!" she says jumping up and running to the door, shooting you a wave and a smile before she left.

What a friendly girl you thought as your cat jumped up onto your lap, meowing for your attention, you sigh and give in, running your hands through Whispers soft black fur.

Our new home..our new life. I can't wait...
Oh how you would regret those thoughts...

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