Chapter Nine: News

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Hello my little stabby gremlins, ready to meet Micheal? ya me too. oh yeah and learn about the death of the boyo Derek
Wednesday, October 31st, Halloween Morning....

You awoke on your couch, your arm hanging off the edge as you laid there, you don't remember falling asleep, but it must not have been for long because your exhausted mind attempted to pull you into slumber again. You reluctantly sat up and rubbed your eyes, looking around for Whisper and noticing him sitting on the windowsill, staring outside as cats do.

Pulling the blanket off of your body you stretched, wincing as your back cracked, As comfortable as this couch was you reminded yourself to try not to sleep on it again. You leaned over a bit as you sat there, letting out a deep sigh after stretching and looking at the TV which was surprisingly still running, It was playing some old sci-fi horror movie, you didn't know, nor care. Wonder what's on the news You thought, searching your couch for the remote, finding it after a moment and turning to the TV, switching through the channels til the news came on.

"A young man was found murdered in his home this morning after a friend came to check on him, he was found stabbed to death, with approximately 28 stab wounds (You know i had to<3) to the chest, abdomen and other parts of his body, the police has informed me that the victim was 'Derek Kole' a science teacher at Haddonfield high school-" You sat there in shock, your eyes wide, Derek was killed? how? why? you stared at the TV as tears filled your eyes, you may not have loved him as a boyfriend but he was still someone close to you..

Whisper, noticing your distress jumped off the windowsill and quickly padded over to you, jumping onto your lap and letting you hug him as you cried into his fur.

"As of now the police do not have a suspect or any clues as to who did it, but if you have any information, please call the police emediatly, this is a shock for a quiet town like Haddonfield, Be careful toni-" You turned the TV off and stared at your reflection for a long moment, would the police contact you? you were the last one to see him alive.. you weren't a suspect right? You forced yourself to your feet, holding Whisper close as you walked to the kitchen, setting him down on the counter and running a hand through your hair What the fuck...I thought this town was Safe You thought, trying to shake your head free of the overwhelming thoughts. Your heart ached, realizing you'd never see Derek again, or feel his arms around you in a strong comforting hug..You began to blame yourself, wondering if he would have been safe if you had said no to the dinner...

Trying to shove the thoughts from your head you opened the fridge and took out a jar of Apple sauce, beginning to eat straight from the bottle, stress eating, how fun. You poured food into Whispers bowl and he jumped down to eat it. Turning your body you stared out your window and out onto the road as cars drove by, a figure caught your was the masked man again.. he was just standing there, staring at you from across the street, you stared back, your face was probably wet from tears but you weren't letting him out of your-..And he's gone. A car had drove past the man and he just the hell? where did he go? Your eyes scanned your front yard, after a few minutes of seeing absolutely jack shit, you let out a shaky, breathy, and nervous sigh.

Great! I'm still seeing shit, how fun You thought sarcastically, lashing out and kicking your wall, letting out a silent cry of pain as you hurt your foot FUCK! Good idea Y/N break your damn foot so you can't run from shit good job You scolded yourself, you turned and saw Whisper staring at you like you were a lunatic. He looked away as you looked at him, going back to eating, sitting down on the floor beside him you ate your applesauce until your body basically said 'Eat more and I will throw up' You groaned silently and got up, putting the now nearly empty jar back in the fridge, Walking back to the TV and turning it back on, they were still talking about things related to the murder.

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