Chapter six: Stalker

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Sunday, October 28th, Three days to Halloween..


You didn't realize you had fallen asleep at the dining table until loud knocking awoke you with a start. You sat up and looked around in alarm, almost falling off your chair, you no doubt had a red mark on your face as you got up and walked to the door, sighing and rubbing your forehead as you opened it.

Derek stood there with a bouquet of flowers "Good morning Y/N, I h- have a mark on your face, are you okay?" he asked leaning for a closer look, you wave it off and nod letting him inside. You were slightly annoyed that he showed up so soon, but you didn't show that in your actions. you gave him a hug as he went to put the flowers in a vase.

"You really got the Myers house looking good" he says, looking at you, his comment confused you and you tilted your head lightly. "You do know this house has a backstory don't you?" he inquired.

You only shook your head, shrugged and his eyes widened "You don't know?! There was a little boy who killed almost his whole family in this house aside from his baby sister and his mother" he says as he sat down on the couch. You felt a chill shoot up your spine Really? Some kid killed his whole family..? I wonder why he did it.. You wondered as you sat beside Derek and looked at him doing a baby motion with your arms. He raised a brow but quickly caught on to what you were saying

"Ohh What happened to the baby?" he guessed, receiving a nod. He shrugged a little bit "I'm not sure, His mother killed herself not long after he was admitted to Smith's Grove Sanitarium. The little girl was adopted by another family i believe " You frowned as he finished talking and sat back against the couch as he turned on the television, thinking about this little boy and wondering what kind of trauma he went through to make him snap like that.

Your thoughts were interupted as Derek wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him "Come on Hun, there ain't no need to worry, I won't let the Boogeyman get you" he says jokingly. You hesitantly rest your head on Derek's shoulder, Snuggling into his leather jacket he had on.. it was nice to be cuddled like this, but like felt

You once again shove the feeling to the back of your mind, focusing on the TV. You felt Derek's hand rub your arm softly. his head leaning against yours softly, you were still exhausted as you snuggled up closer to him,laying your head against him as you let your eyes drift shut.


You awoke in your bed, Derek was no where in view but someone was standing in the corner of your room, staring at the paintings on your wall that you had done with a slightly tilted head, you slowly moved into a sitting position, cringing when the bed creaked. The sudden noise made the figure turn their head and stare at you, They wore a mechanic suit and a white mask..the fake brown hair slicked back on top of the masks head. The figure held their stare for what seemed like hours until they slowly walked towards your bed, making you scoot back against the wall, eyes wide as they got closer, close enough you could hear his heavy breathing beneath the mask. his eyes shone with sadistic intent as he reached towards you, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you closer to him. you saw a flash of silver briefly before you blacked out.

"Y/N! wake up!" Dereks distressed voice awoke you from your nightmare, looking around wildly in anxiety and fear. "Are you o-okay? you were tembling in your sleep, then you suddenly started to thrash" he says, the moon shone through your open bedroom window covering his face with a light blue haze.

You nodded hesitantly ' I'm okay..' you mouth to him, he sighs in relief and sits down beside you "Thank God...i was worried, sorry if me being here at this hour is strange but you slept all day and I didn't want to leave you alone"

You nodded and looked around, getting up and looking out your window, your breath catching in your throat as you saw the white masked man from your dream, your eyes quickly looking at Derek and back, but...He was gone. How? where did he go? You searched the yard for a sign of him and rubbed your eyes with a sigh, your nightmare must have been making you hallucinate.

Derek's arms wrapping around you from behind made you jump a little bit "Are you sure your alright Love?" he asked, receiving a tiny nod from you as you leaned against the window, letting Derek rest his face in the crook of your neck.


What had happened was no dream, sort of. Micheal had been there in your bedroom, staring at you as you slept. When he had come home to find his home looking exactly like the day he left it, minus the blood and bodies of his shitty family members, he had been curious who had gotten the old house to its former glory.

Take her. Cut her. Mark her. Bruise her

The voices tone change Confused Micheal he was aching to grab his knife and end the small vulnerable life that laid before him but his body simply wouldn't allow him to do it. He left the moment you started to thrash in your sleep, awaking Derek who looked around in confusion before waking you.

As you came to the windowsill and spotted him Micheal stared back into your eyes with a fierce intent, walking from view quickly when you looked away.

Why couldn't I do it? he would wonder that for a long while yet

''𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷'' 𝕸𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝕸𝖞𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖝 𝕸𝖚𝖙𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now