Chapter Fifteen

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I give up on naming the chapters lol anyway back to the story


You heard footsteps above the panicked screaming in your mind as you gripped your bloody leg. Relief and shock quieted your screaming in your head. The familiar milky white mask of Micheal Myers caught your eyes as he stared up at you from behind the bear. Then worry began to grow inside of you as he approached the bear, you shook your head violently. He'd get hurt! wait...why do you even care? Nevermind, overthink later.

Micheal had his kitchen knife tightly gripped in his hand. The forest around him seemed to soak up the anger that rolled off him as the bear stopped clawing the trunk to drop to all fours, now sensing Micheal's presence. The large brown head turned towards the stalker. It's lips curled back and it growled at him, turning its body to face him. Standing on its hind legs it continued to growl, Micheal wasn't much shorter then the made you realize just how tall this man was(6'7) the bear wasn't full grown. Micheal tilted his head at the bear before walking forward, the bear, realizing he wouldn't back down, dropped onto all fours and charged Micheal.

The stalker was fast, Dodging to the side as the bear tried to trample him, he forced his knife deep into the bears side, dragging it through the flesh as the bear came to a jolting stop, snarling in pain as it turned and swung a paw at Micheal. It caught in Micheal's arm and he let out a low grunt of pain as the claws tore through his boiler suit, the blue around the rips grew dark as blood seeped into the fabric. It stood and tried to crush Micheal but he quickly moved to the side and grabbed the grizzly from behind, his arm around the beasts large neck, Repeatedly stabbing the animal as it tried to buck and shake him off. It ran and threw its side against a tree. You watched in horror as Micheal's knife got more and more bloody each time he stabbed the animal, the bear kept throwing itself against trees, trying to get the man off his back. Micheal kept trying to get a good hit on the bear. his hand tore at the fur on the bears neck. with one final attempt to get Micheal off the bear rolled onto its side, causing Micheal to be required to jump off the bears back. The brown Grizzly regained its stance quick and charged him again.

Another grunt of pain left Micheal's mouth as the bear locked its jaws onto his arm. This gave Micheal the perfect shot as the bear thrashed its head, trying to rip Micheal's arm more and more. But it stopped. the snarling turned into choked gurgling as the animal grew weaker, its legs shaking as it slowly sunk to the floor. During this you had climbed down, limping to the animals side, Remorse and guilt filling your mind as you stopped beside it. Micheal had been forced to kneel since the bears jaws were still locked around his arm. You saw the reason why it stopped. Micheal's knife had created a deep, fatal slash across the bears neck and was lodged in the side of its head. You slowly reached out and ran your hands through the rough course fur. Micheal just watched the animal, trying to tug his arm away from its jaws.

You made him stop his struggling and you both sat there, staring down at the bear as it choked on its own blood, the rage left its eyes, and with one last heave of breath the bear went still, all life leaving it. You sighed, the poor animal..Even if it attacked was your fault, you had run into it. It was just being protective of its territory.

You turned your attention to Micheal, hesitantly reaching forward and pulling the bears jaws apart, freeing Micheal from its jaws. You slowly laid its head down, shaking your head and watching Micheal pull his knife from the Grizzly's head. His attention turned to you and he stood up, his left arm was ripped and covered in blood as he put his knife in his pocket.

You didn't bother struggling as Micheal picked you up with his right hand you were so dizzy from blood loss that you even leaned against him as he lifted you. Micheal carried you as he looked around, Perhaps remembering where he was he turned and began walking. Your head laid against his chest as he carried you, His hand gripped you tightly as you approached your house from the backdoor. (ik there isnt ACTUALLY a forest behind the myers house i just needed it for plot and future plans)

Micheal opened the door with his wounded hand and pushed the door open, slamming it behind him and locking it as he carried you to the living room, Setting you on the couch, well trying to. you didn't want to let go of him your hands were gripping his boiler suit. Soft muffled shushing sounds began to calm you down as he removed your hands from his jumper.

Micheal left to get the Medkit and came back to you gripping your wounded ankle, it was still bleeding, he had to stop it fast. He walked around the couch and kneeled in front of you, moving your hands and pulling your pants downwards, You stopped him, your face going red. Micheal tilted his head in confusion, he'd have to get them off to treat the wound correctly... You slowly let go of his hands and allowed him to pull your jeans off, leaving you in just your oversized T-shirt and panties, you pulled your shirt over your thighs and covered yourself with a blanket. Micheal didn't pay attention much but he felt his face warm up beneath the mask. He ignored this feeling as he cleaned the wound, You winced and your head screamed in pain when he pour peroxide on the wounds, white foam emerged from the wound and he wiped it away with a soft cloth, wrapping the wound in gauze and bandages.

You motioned for him to give you the medkit, he was confused but nodded. You pointed to his wounded left arm, he seemed shocked but he unbuttoned the boiler suit and pulled the top half off. You didn't expect him too and your face erupted in red wildfire as your eyes trailed to his chest. Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. oh my god.  Your mind kept screaming as butterflies made your heart flutter.

Micheal tilted his head slowly, watching your face turn red, maybe you had a fever? He reached forward and pressed his hand against your forehead, catching you off guard. What was he doing?? He pulled his hand away slowly, seeming to be very confused. You took a deep breath tearing your eyes from his.. very.. toned chest..And looked up at him instead, moving closer to him and pouring peroxide on his left arm after cleaning all the dirt you could off. His whole body stiffened and if you had seen his face your sure he would be clenching his jaw. He gripped your wrist, stopping you, shooting you a glare. You gave him a look that said 'Are you kidding me right now?' You turned and grabbed your notebook.

'I need to treat it or it will get infected' Micheal shook his head and let out a low muffled growl. You huffed and scribbled on the paper. 'Stop being such a baby. let me treat the damn wounds.' You angrily shoved the note in his face and he looked away, growling as he released your wrist, letting you wipe away the foam that formed, pouring more peroxide on just in case. Once you were certain it was clean enough you wrapped the wounds and put the medkit aside. Micheal looked towards you and pulled you closer to him, you now being on his lap against his bare chest, he had his arms wrapped around you tightly. the chin of his mask rested on top of your head as he held you in his arms, you could still feel anger coming off of him. he scribbled something in your notebook.

'Next time, DON'T. Run away from me. Becuase next time..i will not hesitate to break your leg. the bear did enough to you'
You nodded a little bit and sighed, looking down as your wounded ankle, yeah..You wouldn't escape him like this anyway. You rested against his chest, You knew this was wrong, being so relaxed beside a killer. But you couldn't help it... He had a grip on you and even you knew, he wouldn't be letting go anytime soon. You saw it today with the bear, if anyone tried to take you from him.. They'd end up just like the poor animal, bloody and dead on the floor..


WOOOO hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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