Chapter fourteen: Try

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Friday, November 2nd.

(New Pov)

I can't believe he got out! Why wasn't i told sooner?! Now four teenagers and a school teacher are dead. They should have fucking listened to me when I said he is pure Evil. He was only buying his time and making the nurses trust him. He is not even human. He is a demon from hell. I should have been told he'd escaped.. I'll find him. And Nothing will stop me.


You felt someone's hand on your face as your drowsy mind slowly woke up, you lightly rested your face against the rough yet gentle hand that was lightly rubbing their thumb against your soft skin. Your eyes started to open, your vision being blurry as you looked around. Your eyes shot open wide when you looked up.

Micheal myers was sitting on your bed, one of his hands on your cheek and the other was lightly caressing the soft skin on your arms. You didn't dare move, but you kept 'eye contact' with the eyes of the mask. He seemed to be calm, his knife was on your nightstand as his fingers glided across your soft (s/c) skin, seeming to be entranced in the softness of your skin. You squirmed a little as his thumb gently rested on your lips for a moment before slowly going back to rubbing your cheek. His other hand slid up your arm, you were beginning to enjoy it, until he pulled away suddenly. Standing abruptly and grabbing his knife from the nightstand. He left the room, and most likely left the house to do god knows what.

You sat up and slowly lifted your hand, tracing your own thumb where Micheal's had touched you, your skin was still tingling, was that a good sign? you weren't certain.. You shook your head quickly, shaking it free of thoughts, getting up and exiting your room. Walking into the bathroom and staring at yourself in the mirror.

Your hair was a mess and the bruise on your neck had turned to a purplish blue. It hurt whenever your fingertips reached up to lightly test it. You flinched a little bit and sighed, running a hand through your messy bed hair, your (e/c) eyes looked tired and dull, the skin under your eyes was discolored, you needed more sleep...You started to get lost in your thoughts.

What were you doing? why aren't you trying to run away? Any sane person would be long need to try you can't just sit here and let this stalker keep you here. then you remember his threat..

'Next time you try something like that I'll break your leg'

Would he actually? He wouldn't right..? You had to try..You left the bathroom and snuck downstairs, looking around for Micheal. You walked into the living room and saw Micheal sitting on the couch, staring that the TV which was playing some shitty horror movie. You backed up, trying to keep your footsteps as silent as possible. Looking towards the front door, your car keys hung on a key hook beside the door...The door was locked so you'd have to take at least 15 seconds to unlock it. You took a deep breath and were about to step forewards, that was..until a hand grabbed you by the shoulder tightly. Freezing in place you slowly turned your head and looked up at Micheal, who was staring at you with a warning in his eyes, his other hand gripping his knife tightly. You stood there for a moment before shoving him off of you and running to the back of the house, unlocking the back door, glancing behind you.

Micheal was walking towards you, his body language showing just how mad he was as you flung open the door and sprinted outside, stumbling a little bit as you ran down the steps. As you began to regret your decision you ran into the forest behind the myers house. The worst place to be, especially since Micheal knows it like the back of his hand. As you got further and further from town you slowed down, your legs ached, you placed your hands on your knees and looked down, almost throwing up. The stress and fear made your head spin as you stood there dry heaving.

What the fuck were you doing? If Micheal finds you god knows what he'd do to you. You leaned against a tree and caught your breath, looking around cautiously and walking forwards. After a while of walking you realised you were lost, you couldnt see your house or the town or any roads. Oh why did you run out the back door?! Your breathing began to pick up as you fast walked through the forest, turning in several different directions, your pace growing quicker as your panic grew. Oh god, you were so lost, you couldn't tell which way you've gone or come from. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes as you began to full on sprint through the forest, your vision blurry from tears as fear grew and grew inside of you.

Until you ran face first into something..something big..Your terror grew as you realised what you ran into.

A Bear. A big brown grizzly had been minding its own business..until you barreled into it. It's large head swerved and looked at you while you scrambled backwards after getting up. It stood up on its hind legs and glared down at you before letting out a loud roar at you. That was enough to make you turn tail and run. You could hear its thundering pawsteps behind you as it chased you, leaves crunched and cracked beneath both feet and paws. You spotted a low hanging tree and began to climb it as you ran up to it. The grizzly halted and swung a large clawed paw at one of your dangling legs, its claws hooking into the skin of your ankle and tearing through the flesh. Your breath left you in a silent scream of agony as you tore your now bleeding ankle away from the enraged bear. You climbed up the tree and looked down at the bear whom had stood up on its hindpaws and was now attempting to climb the tree, roaring at you in anger. Your blood covered the branches below the one you sat on. Your tears streamed from your face as you put pressure on the wound. For once, actually begging and hoping the silent stalker whom had held you hostage would take you back home. Wishing you'd never left the house....


Micheal had been searching the forest for a while now, the silence of the forest was worrying. The voices had begun panicking after the first hour and no sight of you. They kept yelling that it wasn't safe for you, that he needed to find you before something happened, then teach you not to run away from him. Everything went silent for a moment, the birds stoped chirping, all of a sudden the loud roar of a grizzly made Micheal's head turn and the voices scream.

She's in danger! it's after her! Find Her!!!

Panic began to arise in Micheal's mind, for a reason he didn't know. He began to fast walk in the direction of the bear, the scent of blood hit Micheal like a truck as he came into view of the bear. The brown beast was on its hindpaws, clawing at a tree trunk and seeming to be roaring at something. Blood was dripping down the trees branches and trunk. It didn't take long for Micheal's eyes to follow the blood trail, all the way up to its source, the bears chosen victim was holding her ankle and staring down at the bear in terror and fear.

The look in your eyes made Micheal's rage grow and he pulled his kitchen knife from his pocket.. This animal would pay for harming what's his..


HAH CLIFFHANGER SUCK IT. anyway i hope you stabby gremlins enjoyed this chapter :D

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