Chapter Two: First day

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our new home...our new life...i cant wait
oh how you'd regret those thoughts....


It had taken a full two days for the moving truc to arrive, but it was worth the wait. the driver got out of the truck and walked up to where you stood tipping his hat to you

"My apologies ma'am, There had been a very bad car accident on the highway. we were held up for a day while they cleared the roads." he spoke, scratching his neck. You shook your head and waved it off and the man seemed to breath a sigh of relief after. turning back and opening the truck

"We made sure to check on everything inside everytime we stopped, so nothing should be broken." he says, You admired his commitment to his job and how he was careful with the things in his trucks.  You nodded and walked over, climbing into the truck and double checking everything, Just to be sure. But the man was correct, nothing had been broken or cracked in the van, not even your canvases were bent, it seemed he had wrapped them all in your blankets. You climbed back out as he called over his men and they climbed in once you got out.

"Now be careful with the blankets guys, there are canvases in them!" the man told them, the other gave either a thumbs up or hummed to show they had heard. You spotted a box called 'Paints' and got in, grabbing it yourself, not that you didn't trust the men, but these were very expensive and good paints.


The sun had gone down by the time the len had finished, You stopped the one in charge and scribbled something on a note, he lightly raised a brow but read the note.

'Mind if I treat you all to dinner? I know it was a tad bit of trouble getting here' As the man grazed his eyes over the note his lips formed a smile and he looked back up at you, his brown eyes gleaming in amusement.

"Well now, I don't see why not" he says turning to his men who had stopped at the door "Oi! This young lady is going to take us out so try to fix yourselves up." he said to which the others grinned.

"You got it boss." said one walking up stairs, well- more like they tussled to be the first up the stairs, making your body shake  with silent laughter. you shook your head a little bit 'Boys' You thought as the boss walked off to go calm the other two movers down.

After everyone was somewhat cleaned up you all piled into your car, thankfully being a van, and drove down to the nearest bar and grill. As you pulled into the parking lot the men jumped out of the car, you followed more slowly and entered the resturaunt and followed the movers to a booth, sitting beside the boss as the other two, who at this point you thought to be brothers sat beside eachother. you pulled out your notebook and scribbled on it showing it to the boss

'Names?' He seemed to mentally slap himself as he cleared his throat.

"Oh right, My names Vince, these two knuckle head brothers are Billy and Kevin" he says, the two brothers look up and flash you a grin, You just rolled your eyes as the waitress brought out the menu's.

"Can i get you four started on any drinks?" She asked, You looked up and nodded, lifting the menu and pointing at (F/S/D)(Favorite Soda/Drink) she nodded and took the other mens orders.


Midnight had came and went by the time you returned to your house and the Movers left, leaving you their numbers incase of emergency. You let out a yawn as you entered your home, slowly walking up the steps, knowing you'd regret staying up so late as tomorrow was monday, your first day as an art teacher. You fell face first onto your bed, not even taking the effort to change your clothing, You felt whisper jump up onto the bed and lay on your back, you didn't care. It was quite comfortable once he started to purr, Basically massaging your back as you drifted off into a calm sleep..


As morning came you were awoken by the ring of your alarm clock, making Whisper jump up in shock as you leaned up and turned it off. he meowed with agitation as you got up, Stretching your arms rubbing your head as you got up and went to your dresser picking put some clothes for your job. None too new and ones you can handle getting dirty with paint. Jogging down the creaky steps and into the kitchen you poured Whisper a bowl of food while you made a sausage and toast for yourself. Leaning down and running your hand along Whispers back as you left the house.

You pulled into the schools parking lot about a half hour early 'Perfect' you thought. it gave you enough time to write a few things onto the board as you entered your new classroom. You looked around checking the paints and the other supplies, They wernt the best but they would do for now, you then walked up to the chalkboard and started to write a few things.

When students slowly started to enter the classroom and sit down you motioned to the board and they began to read it to themselves.
(for context)
Hello Students, I'm ms.(L/N) I'm Mute, But that wont stop me from being a good art guide, All i ask is that you follow what I do and do not make a ruckus in my classroom, sit by your friends if you'd like but please don't be obnoxious. I want you all to have a good year.

After students had finished reading they all gave a thumbs up to you. you erased what you had wrote aside from your name and that your mute, Which you left in the top corner, and wrote something else.
Now everyone pick a seat buddy
It didn't take long for the kids to pair up with one of their friends, everyone had a buddy thank god. And so you started, having each student introduce themselves to you and giving them a simple assignment for the first day. just a paper asking for their preferences on art lessons and what they like and what would make them want to be in this class. after everyone had finished there was still a good twenty minutes of class so you allowed them to mingle and talk to each other as you read what each student had said. When the bell rang and your next class poured in you again wrote what you had that morning on the board...

This was going to be a long school year

(A/N: I hope you are all okay with the way I'm doing this book so far! I may upload again today as im quite bored and want my ideas in before I get distracted like with my other books, again! please suggest a title!)

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