Chapter four: Spooky season!

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Saturday, October 15th, 7:AM.

The sun peeking through your curtains had awoken you, shimmering in your face as Whisper got up and meowed at your bedroom door. You groaned and rolled over hugging a pillow to your chest, letting out a deep sigh while you laid there for a few more moments, relaxing in your soft bed until you finally decided to sit up. Your messy hair fell against your face when you sat up, you huffed and blew a strand from your face looking at the door where Whisper awaited you. I'm coming, I'm coming. you thought as you got up and trudged to the door, turning the doorknob and allowing your cat to trot outside with you following closely behind, yawning and stretching your arms up above you. Walking into the kitchen you rubbed your eyes and grabbed a glass of water, swallowing the cold liquid as you poured Whisper his food.

Turning to the stovetop you grabbed a pan from the cuboard and some eggs from the fridge, lighting the stove and cracking the egg into the pan, the smell of the eggs beginning to awaken you from your sleepy state. Whisper had finished eating by the time you finished cooking, now whisking himself between your legs as you leaned against the counter. Fork-fulls of egg, sausage and grits entered your mouth. Your eyes gazed around your home, looking at you freshly painted walls and the neat and non creaky flooring, it took a month and a half of work but you got the house to its former beauty.
As you finished you tossed your dishes in the sink, you'd do them later..Probably..
You wandered over to the couch and flopped down onto it grabbing the TV remote and switching the channels until the news channel appeared on screen. The reporter was talking about weather expectations and traffic in the more populated areas of Haddonfeild, which didn't much bother you, you only had to go get Halloween decorations and some candy.. You were snapped from your thoughts when a knock at the door made you jump, startled, You aren't expecting guests are you? You tried to think of who would possibly turn up this early but was interupted by the door again. You grumbled and stood, traipsing over to the door and opening it, revealing Annie Bracketts face. The annoyed look on your face turned to surprise and joy allowing her inside.

"(Y/N)! Its been a few weeks! God look at this place! You really did a number on it" she says making you frown before she quickly added "I mean, i-in a good way y'know?" Making you laugh and shake your head, signing a 'Thank you' to Annie, who smiled as she remembered why she came.

"Oh right! I'll be babysitting on Halloween and was curious if you'd like to join me? I need an allbi for..boy reasons" she says with a sly giggle. You roll your eyes but nod, not like you had anything else planned for Halloween. Annie laughed and hugged you

"You are a Lifesaver girl" she spoke, shopping you another grin. "Would you like to come to the store with me? I've got to grab some decorations for my house, and I'm assuming you need some too, though, Your house being the 'Myers House' is spooky enough" her last words confused you Myers house? What does she mean by that? you pondered, but shook your head free of the thoughts and gave Annie a thumbs up going up to your room to get ready to go.

Once you were ready, you and Annie went out to your car, which was larger then hers. She had pestered you about letting her drive, but you had denied, not that you didn't trust her, you liked driving.


By the time dinner rolled around you had finished setting up the decorations around the house, you even bought a weird creepy white mask you found..hanging it on your stairwell, it could be your costume. you had dangling paper bats and pumpkins hanging from the ceiling. It was looking spooky for sure, the outside of the house was even better, fake cobwebs were spread across the front of the porch and a large realistic cloaked scarecrow sat on the porch, it could easily be mistaken as a large man under a cloak, The lawn was decorated with a large fake spider which you had found adorable Lord I LOVE Halloween you thought as you plopped down on the couch once more, relaxing into the soft material of the cushions while you waited for your dinner to finish. You had only just started to relax when Another knock interupted your relaxation, you groaned inwardly and got up walking to the door and once again opening it, your eyes widening in shock and quickly fixing your messy hair as your eyes met with the piercing blue eyes of Derek, whom gave you a smile.

"May I come in?" he had asked, you were still for a second before stepping back and allowing him inside. Derek walked inside, Shutting the door behind him and running a hand through his messy hair and looking at you, you two had only gone on several  dates the past few weeks, even though it didn't chose to keep talking to him incase things change. He looked at you for a moment.

"I was um wondering, We've been on several dates and I really like you (Y/N)..and I was wondering if perhaps you' to be my girlfreind..?" he asked,Which caught you offguard, your eyes wide in surprise and shock. You scribbled on your notepad and showed him, looking away.
'I have to think about it..Give me a few days. this is just so sudden'
Derek nodded in acceptance, giving you a small bow "Of course (Y/N) I'll let you think about it. I'm always here, no matter what your choice is." he says, giving you a small forehead kiss before he left your house..

This one isnt as good as the others but I didnt have much planned until the drama happens. I'll update soon!!

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