Chapter sixteen

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Finally, took me long enough lol


It had been a couple days since the incident, Your wounds were healing well and your burnt hand no longer needed to have as many bandages on it. You had a limp still but you hoped that would go away soon, You had messaged your work and told them you wounded your ankle and they told you to rest until it healed.

Micheal, on the other hand, his wounds had completely healed, barely leaving scars. He wasn't surprised but you were. He most roams around your house or follows you around like some sort of shadow. Not that it bothered you.. But you we're a bit unsettled whenever you felt his eyes burning into your person.

Currently, you were sprawled on the couch, a bowl of candy in your lap while you stared at the TV screen. Some shitty romance movie was playing but you were not paying much attention to it, most of your attention was on the stalker sitting on the end of the couch. His eyes beneath the mask were focused on the Television screen, you couldn't read what he was thinking, wondering if he was enjoying the movie or not. Could he even enjoy common things? Sure he seems obsessed over you, but does he feel attraction or amusement towards things? Curiosity prickled your brain like one of those spike covered burrs people hated getting stuck on their clothes.

You zoned out and didn't notice that Micheal had turned his attention to you until he had shuffled closer. His movements brought you back to the present and you looked up at him as his large form stared at you. You tilted your head a little bit, he copied the action and you almost let out a silent giggle at his small action. Sitting up and setting the bowl to the side, extending your arms in a stretch, relaxing you stared at Micheal for a moment before beginning to stand up, yet he stopped you and pushed you back down onto the couch. Looking at him in confusion you tried again and he growled and pushed you back down. Reaching for your notebook you wrote something down and showed him.

"What's wrong Micheal?" His eyes scanned the words then looked back at you, moving closer to you and setting one of his large hands on the side of your face, his thumb carressing your skin. His icy blue eyes stared into yours and he leaned forward the lips of the silicone mask pressing against your cheek. You couldnt help but blush and look away, your lips curving into a shy smile as you felt his thumb still caressing your cheek. You began to get up and this time he allowed you to stand. You felt his eyes on you as you walked to the kitchen, setting your face in your hands.

'What are you thinking Y/N?! You can't be blushing at that!! He is a killer!' You mentally shouted at yourself. Shaking your head free of thoughts and turning to the fridge. It was nearly empty and you sighed, well. You'd have to go shopping soon, god knows if Micheal would let you walk out of the house.

You grabbed a container of cottage cheese and opened it, grabbing a spoon and beginning to eat, watching as Micheal stared at the tv, where a animated romance movie was beginning to play. You'd seen it before. The Book of Life. Its a good movie with alot of good music.

You walked back over to the couch and leaned against it, watching the movie, you noticed Whisper was laying on Micheals lap, guess he'd forgiven him? Was that a good sign? You wondered, taking a bite of your cottage cheese. Reaching for your notebook you began writing a shopping list, setting a mental note to get extra for Micheal, he would most likely appreciate it.

(P.O.V change)

I'd been searching for him, or some sort of lead, to help me find him and catch him, maybe even kill him. And I'd found out who was living in his home. And they wern't dead yet, a surprise, Micheal always hated when people lived in his old home.
Their name was Y/N L/N, they were an art teacher, currently on medical leave for unknown reasons. I had to talk to this girl, but how? She needs to know how much danger she is in, and i need to get her away from his house.

As i drove through Haddonfield i felt my stomach grumble.. Might aswell eat before going to the home.

(I apolagize for the short chapter. Major writers block but you all deserved a update)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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