Chapter 4: Roomates

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First day in school and I've already started a war, great job, America.

"Augh" I groaned, my head pounded as if I had a band playing full blast in my brain.

"Hey America, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see a bright white room Immediately shut them again

"Why is it so- bright?" I groaned, placing my arm over my eyes

"Hey, Yeah, it is hella bright in here but you'll get used to it." It was Canada, he was still with me

"So, What happened to me?" I pushed myself up onto my butt, trying again, I opened my eyes to a bright white room. It took about 5 seconds for me to adjust to the brightness of the room but when I could actually see, I looked around. Canada happened to be sitting next to my bed, and the nurse was in the back looking at what appeared to be medicine

"I'm not sure what happened, you just randomly passed out, you seemed all fine before then it was just sudden and random" I looked down, Pressing my hands on the mattress, I tried to get up. I planted my feet on the ground, I mean I felt woozy but nothing too bad so I continued, but when I tried to walk, my feet faltered, my knees ended up buckling beneath me sending me flying backwards

"AMERICA!" Canada yelped as my head slammed into the floor with the force of gravity.

"ooooouuuuuccccchhhhh" The nurse turned around and walked over to me, she helped me up onto my bed and shook her head.

"You may want to take him back to his dorm" although she seemed annoyed she spoke in a sugary sweet voice.

"Uh, I haven't gone to my dorm yet, I don't know where it is." I raised an eyebrow and Canada scoffed in embarrassment. The nurse nodded

"Your name is America right? Well, I can look it up!" Thankful, I nodded and she hummed a response.

"America, you gotta take it easy, you haven't even made it through your first day and you look awful. And really? You haven't even been to your dorm and you are starting cold wars!" I scoffed at my brother's words,

"And you think I didn't know that! Plus, I didn't know we had dorms!" I looked at Canada and Laughed before the nurse interrupted us.

"Okay, America, your dorm room is #278! Good luck! And stay safe!" We both thanked her as Canada slowly walked me to my dorm. It was a long uneven walk with Canada having to hold my own weight and his.

"270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278!" Canada counted out loud softly.

"Do you have the key?" I quickly went through my bag, leaning on Canada as I did so. I found it, but I began to feel dizzy.

"Here...." I became more drowsy, exhaustion hung over my head as I passed the key to Canada.

Canada opened the door and led me inside my dorm, he found a room and laid me down on the bed.

"Get some sleep, 'kay? Your phone is right here, call me if you need me!" I looked at Canada,

"Here is an extra key..." I passed Canada the key and he nodded, I slowly curled into a ball as Canada walked out.

I pulled the blanket up and was just about to drift off until I heard a loud bang of the door opening.

It's probably just Canada. He probably forgot something! Usual Canada.

Suddenly someone walked through the door to my room. I looked up to see the one person I didn't want to see.

"Why are YOU my roommate?" I groaned. But he just stared at me in confusion with something in his hand... Vodka? Why would he have vodka? Isn't that prohibited in the school? Shit, he better not be drunk

"Hhhhaayyyyy, Mmmeerrrriiicaaa, mmiiinnndd iiifff III jjooiinnnn youuuuuu???" He slurred, obviously drunk.

"Oh... Wait! Wait! No!" It was too late, Russia slid into the bed with me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in like you would a teddy bear. I tried squirming away, but his grip held onto me tightly.

"Russia, get off of me." I managed to get my arms free, but with him behind me, I didn't have a good angle to hit him. My headache worsened and finally I gave up once I heard the snore of Russia behind me.

It took longer than it should have, but I was able to slip into a blissful sleep even with the Russian snoring behind me.


Spell check: 1

766 words

Rewritten onf 3/22/23

This chapter is defenitally a shorter one!!

See ya!


Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang