Chapter 42: Love

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No One 

"GOD DAMN IT!" Turkey slammed his fist into the wall, breaking through the thin lining of it. Georgia flinched back, raising his hands slightly.

"Hey-hey-hey! It's alright, calm down, Turkey!" Georgia reached for Turkey's shoulder, but before he could even get close enough Turkey snapped.

"NO! ICELANDS FUCKING DEAD, MY POWERS DONT FUCKING WORK! NOTHING IS ALRIGHT!" Georgia cowered over, his head tucked down in fear. Turkey on the other hand was fuming with emotions, bloody crystals covered his arms, all the way up to his shoulders. Georgia watched as the Crystals began to crawl up his neck.

"Please... Turkey!" Georgia begged, staring at the deadly crystals on Turkey's neck. Turkey balled his fists, he stared at Georgia with a mixture of emotions. They both stood there for moments when Turkey plunged his fist into the wall again.

"GOD- FUCK! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN? " Turkey put his hand on the back of his neck, feeling the crystals as they continued to crawl up his neck.

It took him a moment to realize what was actually happening to him. His anger was immediately replaced with fear

"Oh god..." Turkey's jaw dropped in shock. He brought his hands out in front of him, looking at them like they were aliens from another world. He started to hyperventilate, clawing at his neck.

"No-... NO!" Turkey got more and more desperate as the time went on, he clawed at his neck trying to get the nasty crystals off. Georgia grabbed Turkey's shoulder, trying to calm him as best as he could.

Turkey and Georgia were caught in another moment as Turkey watched Georgia and Georgia watched Turkey.

"Calm down, Turkey, Take a deep breath..." Turkey followed Georgia's command, taking one singular breath, and as he did, Georgia's eyes began glowing for the first time ever, Turkey was still angry, but he opened his mouth in shock as the vibrant mint glow of his eyes changed the atmosphere.

"Georgia.. Your eyes!" As Turkey spoke, his body began to waver, fatigue slapped him in the face.

Georgia blinked his glowing eyes and just as he did, Turkey crumbled over, unconscious.

"TURKEY!" Georgia's glow was gone in an instant. He dropped to his knees, grabbing Turkey's shoulder and shaking him.

Turkey did not respond to any attempt to wake him. Turkeys face was frozen in a blissful, relaxed sleep like none of the crystals bothered him.

Speaking of the crystals, they had stopped growing, in fact, slowly, VERY SLOWLY they went away. The only problem was that they left behind ruffed up skin.

"Shit, shit, shitshitshit!" Georgia frantically shook Turkey, tears began gracing his eyes.

"Wake up!" Georgia pressed his face into Turkey's chest, praying for him to be okay. Georgia began to sob quietly, he held Turkey's shirt tightly, begging him to wake up.

"Please...please...?" Georgia begged as if it would do something to help the dire situation. The multiple wounds that Turkey had began adding up, he convulsed in pain as the bloodied crystals disappeared leaving even more gruesome wounds.

"GOD-" Turkey jolted up, accidentally throwing Georgia back.

"I'm so sorry!" He grabbed Georgia's shoulders before he could fall back. Turkey winced as he moved, rubbing the multiple wounds on his clothes.

"Oh my god! You're alive!" Georgia jumped at Turkey, wrapping him up in a big, tight bear hug.

"Ouuuuccccchhhhh" Turkey groaned in pain, but he still put his head into Georgia's shoulder, hugging him without hugging him.

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