Chapter 55: A Plan

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"So what do we do about UN and EU?" I stared at Russia as a small gust of cold air drifted through the trees. I shivered slightly.

Russia shrugged his shoulders. He slowly pulled off his jacket, taking his sweet time.

"Great." I paused as Russia pulled the rest of his green army-like jacket off.

"Okay, well I say we tell everyone in this clearing the plan tonight, we tell the others tomorrow, and we later get everyone in the school involved." Russia agreed as he handed me his soft-furred coat.

"Thanks..." I thankfully grabbed the coat from Russia and quickly put it on. Its insulating fabric instantly warmed me up, causing me to once again shiver, but this time it was due to the really comforting warmth.

"Are you still cold?" He quickly took off his ushanka and held it out to me; once again, his demeanor changed.

"Do you need my hat?" I smiled at Russia as he became worried about me. I shook my head kindly.

"I'm alright, I swear, I was just super comfortably warm." Russia nodded and placed his hat back on his head, securing it with a tug at its ear flaps.

"Let's go tell the team." I suggested and Russia nodded. We started towards the center of the clearing, and I held his hand in order to keep him with me. He let out small groans of annoyance, loud enough only for me to hear; he wanted me to let go.

"Countries, Organizations. I have an announcement." I glanced at each country in the clearing before resting my loving gaze on Russia, who stared back at me.

"We have decided that we must stop this fight and end this war. It is time.

Enough countries have died, and enough have been hurt. It is time we stand up to Nazi and his dumbasses." UN growled an agreement; he wanted revenge; EU too wanted revenge, but he wanted a more planned-out way of getting said revenge.

"How will we do it?" EU asked, and I smiled; this was a question I both had and didn't have an answer for.

"Well, that is just it. Today we put together a plan; tomorrow we gather students and staff alike; then we take down the problem head-on. For now, we need to settle on a plan." Switzerland and Mexico gathered our fellow countries in front of Russia and me.

"Let us begin our planning."


"What are we going to do now that we are here?" I looked over at the red and white country; his tail lashed from side to side as he looked around the clearing we teleported into.

"No school, no people, no houses...." His ears flicked back as tears formed in his eyes.

"I don't know..." I looked over at my green, white, and red-flagged friend.

"Perhaps we visit the town?" He gestured towards the bushes he had just emerged from.

"I just found it a couple hours ago!" I sighed as my tri-colored friend just announced his new discovery.

"Well shit, should have said that sooner!" I rolled my eyes as annoyance edged into the land of the rising sun's tone, and his tail thrashed harder.

"Imperial, Italy, stop fighting for two seconds; yes, you should have said something earlier, Italy, but for now, Japan, calm down, and while you're at it, stop your tail from thrashing."

Japan and Italy calmed down as we started towards the town.

"Nazi, what will we do in this town with no money?" I smiled as Imperial lowered his tail and flattened his ears.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now