Chapter 56: So much going on-

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No ones pov

A silently sleep deprived America steps through a pair of bushes. Streaks of light simmer down on his face, lighting his eyes with life as he stares at the school.

"Guys come on! We are here!" America turns towards the group as countries emerge one by one through the plants.

"Yes America, we are not stupid, we can see the school." Finland yawns as he stares, eyes half lidded at the school.

"No need for the attitude, Finland, don't worry, you'll be able to sleep in just a minute." America rolled his eyes at the Finnish man as Sweden scolded his taller partner.

Georgia emerged with Turkey right behind him. Turkey moved as if he was a zombie, his head lolled to the side as he walked, he simply looked as if he hadn't slept in a week, of course this night didn't help with it.

Georgia on the other hand was rather awake, he was alert and looked rather excited like America.

"Come on, Turkey! You're walking so slloooowwwwlllyyyy" Georgia purposely elongated his word, mocking Turkey and his movements. Turkey sent him a glare before hitting his arm playfully.

"So what are we going to do now?" UN stretched his wings out behind him, stretching his limbs two at a time.

"We wait for everyone here." EU smiled softly at UN. It wasn't like EU had anything towards him, just a feeling of worry towards his older buddy.

"Mmn..." UN dozed off even though he was standing, the exhaustion of being held captive and then being up all night wasn't doing so well on his aging body.

"SWITZERLANNNDDDD WAKE UPPP." Mexico burst through the bushes carrying fast asleep Switzerland in his arms. Something about his power gave him practically unlimited energy- which of course wasn't great for Switzerland who shared a dorm with the energetic Mexican.

"He is fast asleep-" America laughed as Mexico walked by.

"I'm going to take him to his dorm so he can sleep this off, I'll be right back!" Without waiting for an answer, Mexico sped off almost as fast as the speed of light.

"Well-" America rolled his eyes, refocusing on the incoming countries.

"Looks like we have some work to do"

A couple minutes later every country stood in a small group waiting for further instructions from the Russian-American duo.

"As I said, you should all go to bed for a bit, it is like six in the morning, around noon I will be preparing for the next steps of our plan. Germany will be told and we will go from there. Is everything understood?" An awkward moment of silence passed over the group before the countries started nodding.

EU grabbed UN and started leading him towards the School, the exhausted organization could barely hold himself up, he leaned on EU for every bit of support that he could get.

America looked back at the countries, dismissing them as he watched the bushes they had just recently come through. His mind buzzed as many thoughts flopped around in his head.

Russia watched his fellow countries walk off before turning to America, he slowly walked up behind the dazed country and placed his hands on America's shoulder.

"You okay American?" The sharp voice split the rising tension in two.

He didn't sound kind nor did he sound rude, it was something that America never heard from him before.

"Uh, yeah I'm good just thinking." America's eyes fluttered open and shut rapidly as he pulled away from his thoughts.

"Mmn, what are you thinking about?" Russia looked down at his shorter friend, interest filled the pools in his eyes.

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