Chapter 1

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Drew's POV:

My name is Drew.

Drew Line.

Don't laugh my dad was REALLY into weed when I was born and old Mr. Line thought it would be funny to name his daughter Drew.

My mom........she died.

I know it's sad and all but I never knew her. She died having me. That's probably the only reason dad was allowed to name me for the sole purpose of laughs.

My dad and I lived with my grandma until dad passed away 2 years ago. He and I weren't really close. He always used to tell me I looked just like my mom. He never said it but I know that's the reason he was so distant. It broke his heart every time he looked at me.

Ultimately that's what he died from. A broken heart. That and probably all the drugs he was on.

Even with a druggie dad I grew up pretty normal. I'm 18 now and I go to school functions like every other senior.

I have okay grades.

I got dads hell cat when he died and a large chunk of money which I'm assuming was from him selling......... but I wasn't one to ask where he got the money.

Having a cool car helps with the high school experience as well.

My Grandma let me live with her till I was 18 and she wasn't obligated by the state to keep me anymore. You see when she found out I liked girls she kinda lost it.  She hasn't spoken a word to me since she saw me making out with Carli Olsen in the driveway after a school dance. That was a little over a year ago. 

On my 18th birthday I came home from school and found all my stuff on the driveway and a note saying I didn't live there anymore. That was a little over 3 weeks ago.

I used the chunk of money I got from my dad to get an apartment. It's a real shit hole but it's somewhere to live.

No one at school knows I live by myself. Well scratch that. Carli knows I live by myself. After my grandma caught us kissing she sprayed us with her garden hose and started shooing us and yelling crazy slurs. It was wild. We both got in my car and I drove off in a daze. Out of no where Carli started laughing in the passenger seat. I pulled over and stared at her as she laughed for a solid 30 seconds before I started laughing too. while crying from laughter she said "ain't no way I'm dealing with your crazy ass grandma but we can still be friends."
We've been inseparable ever since. We didn't work out as a couple but she is an awesome friend. I used to basically live on her couch most of junior year.

Well all that is behind me now as Carli and I are sitting on my bed watching a docu series on Netflix about Jeffrey dahmer. Not my first choice of show but hey it keeps Carlis loud ass quiet for a bit so I'll watch it.

"Feeling introspective over there idiot?"

"Carli, how many times do I have to tell you, my grades are better than yours. If I'm an idiot what does that make you?"

"I can't be beautiful, charming aaaaand smart. That's why I let you be smart and I'll take the other two, ugly."

"Okay okay. Is this show almost over I have not been paying attention and I need to get to bed so I can go on a run before school tomorrow."

"It's 8 PM grandma."

"We don't talk about grandmas in the house don't you remember."

We both sat quietly for a moment and then burst into laughter.

"Drew. That old lady would die if she saw us cuddling on your bed like this." She said in between snorts of laughter.

Once we both stopped laughing she asked "what's the real reason you want me to leave ugly?"

"Madison may or may not be on her way over."

"That college girl that come over when she's drunk or horny? You gotta stop letting her use you for sex."

"I like being used." I said as I winked at her "besides I'm not ready for any relationship bullshit. I just wanna have fun."

Madison is a girl I met down at club Plaisir when Carli and I were there on my 18th birthday a few weeks ago. Club Plaisir is a strip club that I've worked at under the table since I was 17. I don't get paid by the club I only get to keep what I get while dancing. It's not a bad deal. Some nights are slim and other nights I walk out with hundreds of dollars for like 4 hours of work.  I only work there Friday- Sunday cuz the owner thinks she's my mom. Sandra only lets me dance if I keep my grades up. I have to show her my grades online every Friday before shift. One time I got a C in English and she didn't let me dance for 2 weeks. She's the best.

"Okay I'm out of here I'll finish up this dahmer shit in my own room. I know your ass hasn't paid attention to any of it anyways. Bye Ugly. I love you." She blew me a kiss and slammed my front door as she walked out.

That bitch. I've gotten three complaints from neighbors for her loud ass already.

After about 20 minutes I heard a knock on the apartment door.

Before I could open the door all the way Madison shoved me back against the wall and started kissing my neck. I was too stunned to move but once I realized what was happening I closed the door with my foot and started walking her back towards my room. She unlatched herself from me and started undressing.

"We gotta make this fast. I have a party to be at in 20 minutes."

"Yes ma'am." I said as I watched her undress. Madison is a pretty girl. She has brown eyes and medium length curly hair. Her body is sooo much fun to look at and touch. Another great thing is we don't talk. She has asked me a total of 3 questions and they were "are you 18" "do you wanna have some fun" and "your place or mine."

"why are you just staring at me take your clothes off!" She said as she threw her pants at me.

"I don't have to be told twice!" I said seductively as I basically ripped my clothes off.

I pulled her towards me and shoved her onto the bed. I kissed her neck and slowly started planting my lips down her body. I stopped for a second to caress one breast with my right hand and suck on the other. She moaned a little which only made me suck harder. Then I took my other hand and quickly shoved two fingers inside her. She was already so wet for me. She jumped a little in surprise. But I started moving my fingers quickly so she had no time to react.

"Fuck" she said as I relentlessly pleasured her.

I left her boobs and kissed my way down to her warmth. I kissed the insides of her thighs to tease her a little bit and she groaned "stop messing with me Drew!"

I obliged and let my tongue work on her clit while my fingers kept up their pace! I knew she was close when she grabbed the sheets and closed her eyes. When she finished I let her clean herself up but before it was my turn I heard her say "shit! I gotta go! I'm late already. I'll make it up to you next time." She put her clothes on in a hurry and walked out the door.

Great. Guess I will go to bed like a grandma like Carli said. Tomorrows Tuesday which means I have a Spanish test and dance practice.

I checked my phone for messages and saw one from Carli.

~hope you don't get any diseases. Will you pick me up in the morning I don't wanna drive?~

I text her back
~are you sure you want to be in a car with someone that may have a disease Carl?~

~damn I did NOT expect you to message back that fast lady killer. Just pick me up ugly.~

~okay I'll be there at 7 goodnight! <3~

I plugged my phone in next to the bed and passed out for the night.

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