Chapter 24

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Drews POV:

I woke up early Wednesday morning still in shock. Olivia quit the club because of me.

I know it was stupid to keep talking to her as Rory.

Before Olivia kissed me, I felt like she needed a friend to talk to and Rory was that for her. How could I take that away from her. On the other totally selfish side, I was enjoying getting to know her and joke with her in a light hearted way that we never could as "student and teacher". I guess Rory could have ghosted her once Olivia and I got together. Hind sight is 20/20.

I need to stop over thinking. I threw on a pair of Sweatpants and a hoodie and ran to Auroras dance studio. It was about 2 miles away if I cut across a vacant lot in town.

Halfway through my run I stopped at a stop light to wait for it to turn green when I looked over at a car on my left I recognized Olivia immediately. She hadn't seen me standing there. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked like she had been crying. Was she crying because of me? I was about to walk up to her window but the light turn green and she sped off never noticing me.

I felt my shoulders drop and I sighed.

Knowing I missed an opportunity to be close to Olivia cracked my heart a little bit more.

I continued running to The studio and by the time I got there I was drenched in sweat. I walked through the doors and saw Keith standing at the desk playing with his phone.

"Hey kiddo! I haven't seen you in like 2 weeks. What's up?" He walked over to me smiling. "And why are you so sweaty."

"Uh I ran here. Just needed to think."

"What happened?" He ask sensing something was wrong by my tone.

"Uh I messed up a good thing by being dumb. You know, the usual Drew method."

He laughed and pulled me into him for a hug. "This may be rude, but you do have a knack for getting into trouble. The good news is you are pretty and young. There's a lot of life to live still so don't beat yourself up over something you can't change."

"I really hurt her" I said into his shoulder without thinking.

"Her as in......? The hot girl you brought in her a few weeks ago?"

I pulled away from him.

"How did you know?"

He shrugged his shoulders "the you looked at her. It was kinda obvious that you were into her."

"Oh well.... Uh..... yeah. I fucked up and now she wants nothing to do with me. She wants space. She quit the club."

"She quit the club!? You really fucked up" he laughed.

I frowned at him.

He raised his hands up in surrender "okay okay. On the real side. She obviously cares about you Drew or she wouldn't be so upset. Respect her boundaries and maybe you can work your way back into her good graces. Don't force her. Just start by being nice or complimenting her when you see her."

"It's really complicated Keith."

"You'll figure it out kid. You're a smart cookie." He smiled.

"That was such a old man response." I laughed "anywaysssss. Can I use a room?"

"Of course. I'm closing up. So lock up when you leave." He said walking back to his desk.

"Thanks Keith. No problem."

I spent the rest of the morning in the studio dancing to random songs. I put my heart into the moves and after 5 songs I sat on the floor crying. My face hurt from the car wreck, my body hurts from running and dancing and my heart hurts from Olivia.

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