Chapter 2

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Drew's POV:

I woke up to my alarm blaring on the side table. I leaned over without opening my eyes to shut it off.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck" I groaned as I stretched out on my bed. Finally plucking up the courage to open my eyes I looked at the clock on my dresser. 4:30 I AM

"Maybe I'll skip the run today" I thought as I got out of bed. I walked over to my dresser and started grabbing jogging clothes.

"Maybe I'll only run a mile" I thought as I continued getting ready to go.

"You dumb bitch. Why do you do this to yourself" I thought as I put my running shoes on.

When I was finally ready to go jog I put my air pods in and put on my running playlist. Work it by Missy Elliot started blaring in my ears and instantly woke me up.

I locked up my apartment and started running towards the park that was half a mile down the road.

When I finally got to the park Motivation by Normani came on and I was fully awake and ready to run an extra mile. My lungs were burning from the crisp morning air.

I love running at this hour. The whole city is asleep and I can be left alone. I don't have to think about anything in my life I can just run and listen to music. I like how it's quiet and serene and it feels like I'm racing the river that runs through the park.

Im lost in watching a squirrel running up a tree when I run into something hard. My left eye collided with what felt like a train and I fell to the pavement. Once I figured out what happened I looked a few feet away from me only to find a blonde woman not a fucking train sprawled across the trail.

I immediately pulled my headphones out got up and went to the woman's aid. She was groaning which I took as a good sign meaning she wasn't knocked out.

"Holy shit. Are you okay?" I asked as I reached her.

"That freaking squirrel" she said under her breath. "I think you just knocked the wind out of........ oh my gosh YOUR EYE!"

I had assumed it would be a little red but by her reaction she made it seem like I was bleeding everywhere.

"What!" I yelled as I reached for my phone I opened up the front facing camera and saw that it was already turning black and underneath it was a little puffy.

"God! You made it seem like I lost it!" I said as I helped her off the ground giving me a chance to take her it. She was gorgeous. We were about the same height and she was wearing a tight fitting sweat suit giving me a little peak at how her body curved. She had insanely piercing blue eyes and a face that was immaculately crafted. This woman was probably the most beautiful girl I'd seen in person.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention and must've swerved onto your side of the track. I am so sorry! Are you okay?" She panicked.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. If I had to be hit in the face by someone today I'm glad it was you. At least you're nice to look at which takes away a little of the pain." I shrugged as I winked at her with my Good eye.

She giggled "Thanks. From the right side of your face I can see that you are beautiful. But the left side..... not so much" she said as her giggles turned to laughter.

"Wooooow, listen I have to be somewhere really soon so I gotta keep running! Are you good to go or do you need an escort back to wherever you are going?"

"No I'm good to go! I have to get to work! It was nice to meet you.........?"

"Drew" I answered.

"Or should I say it was painful to meet you. My name is Olivia. I hope not to run into you again but I'm sure I will see you again this town is tiny." She said and she started gearing up to run in the opposite direction.

"Well I sure hope so Olivia. But you might've impaired my eyesight so I don't know about seeing you. I can call you though" I said as I held out my phone to her.

She took my phone and started typing in her number.

"Here you go but only for emergencies like if someone bulldozes you on a trail again." She laughed as she handed my phone back.

"Yes ma'am! I'll probably not see you later!" I yelled after her as she started jogging away.

The beautiful blonde looked over her shoulder and giggled at me then kept running.

I looked at the time 5:15 AM.

Fuck. I gotta get back home to get ready for school. It was only then I realized that my head was pounding. I am in for a rough day.

I started jogging back towards my apartment fighting through the throbbing in my left eye. I kept replaying my interaction with Olivia in my head. I definitely had to get that woman in my bed. She was insanely hot and had a smart little mouth on her which I found extremely attractive. Maybe I'll call her after school and see if she wants to come watch me dance on Friday. That's usually how I get all my conquests to take their clothes off or rather, I take my clothes off and then they ask me to take theirs off.

When I made it back to my apartment it was 5:45. I still had to pick up Carli at 7 and be at school by 7:30 so I immediately jumped in the shower. I usually let my brown hair do what it wants when I get out of the shower. It always just turns out wavy. I dry off my body then I put on my eye liner and head to my closet. I opt for a rolling stone tee shirt and a pair of jeans. I throw on my shoes and move to the kitchen. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and start the coffee pot.

I don't really need coffee for energy I just like the taste. I'm weird I know but I've always been a morning person. I'm very motivated until about noon and then I want to die. It's a solid routine I got goin.

When I'm finally done eating and drinking my French vanilla flavored coffee. I head out the door. I have about a 10 minute drive to Carlis and I know that bitch won't be ready when I get there.

I send her a warning text saying I'm on my way as I lock my apartment door. As I walked to my car I studied the Spanish flash cards for the test I had in first period. I seem to always ace tests if I cram right before them. Not a great plan but it gets the job done.

I get into my Hell cat and drive towards Carli's.

When I pull up I honk my horn. After 3 minutes of waiting there she opens her front door. Without looking at me she opens the door and flips me off. As she gets in my car I hear her mutter "fuck you. stupid morning person ass bitch."

"It's nice to see you too Carl. How was Jeffrey last night."

"Stop being so peppy it's 7 AM. That show was creepy as fuck."

I turn to. Look at her and before I can reply she finally looks at the left side of my face.

"Holy fuck! Listen Drew I'm all for rough sex but what did Madison do to you last night!"

"You idiot. I ran into a woman while jogging this morning."

"That may be but I'm telling everyone that you got that from kinky sex."

I rolled my eyes and started driving toward the high school.

I pull into my spot in the senior parking lot. We both get out and head inside.

"Dani just text me saying they finally found a permanent English teacher. Thank god. The sub mrs. Hadley was a giant bitch." Carli said

"Interesting. Has anyone told you that you have a massive potty mouth?"

"Who says "potty mouth". I'll see you at lunch Ugly. Gotta blast."

"Jimmy neutron reference. How old are you? Bye Carl." She flipped me off as she walked toward class.

I head to my locker to grab the books I'd need for the day. I had Spanish first then English. After that was lunch, art then I had a free period. I took all the hard classes I needed in other years making my senior year incredibly easy.

I take another look at my Spanish cards then head towards class ready to ace the test.

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