Chapter 20

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Drews POV:

When I left Olivia's class on Monday I Drove. I continued driving and thinking until my cars gas light came on and I realized I was 2 hours out of town. I was literally in the middle of no where.

I turned around and drove as far as my car would let me before I ran out of gas. I'm such a dumb ass sometimes. I had Dani come get me and spent the car ride to a gas station playing on my phone. On the way back to my car with the gas can Dani started questioning me.


"Why what?" I asked playing dumb.

"Why are you 2 hours outside of town with no gas?"

"I felt like driving."

"So are you not gonna tell me your drama? Or are you gonna keep playing hard to get?"

"I kissed Olivia last night." I blurted out. He turned to look at me for a moment then looked back at the road.

"I'm assuming her reaction is why you were driving?"

"Yeah. She asked me to stay after class and told me we can never happen." I paused. "she flirts with me then tells me to leave her alone. Then she flirts with me then tells me to fuck off again. It's exhausting."

"I'm sure that her realizing she has feelings for you is pretty hard on her too."

I stared at him for a moment shocked.


"Don't play dumb bitch. That woman has feelings for you."

Did Olivia have feelings for me?

"Whatever. I don't want to talk about this anymore." I said as my hellcat came into view. "Thanks for helping me Anne. Will you fill Carl in on the latest drama I don't feel like talking about it again."

"No problem. Study party tomorrow? I am in need of a drink And I know you are too."

"Sure I'll tell Sandra I'm not going to dance practice."

I have a reason to not go to the club tomorrow. Perfect.

So I spent the rest of my afternoon driving back home and then sitting on my couch over thinking about Olivia.

The next day I skipped school. I slept in then I blasted music and deep cleaned my apartment. I needed to do something to keep Olivia off my mind.

By the time Dani and Carli showed up I smelled like bleach and had a apron and yellow gloves on.

"Well hello sexy." Carli said holding up a brown bag.

"Fuck I lost track of time. Let me go take a shower." I said pulling the two of them into my home.

They sat on my couch and started arguing over who was hotter between Ryan Reynolds and Megan fox.

I showered quickly and when I came back the two of them were laughing about a video of Matt Spinks getting deleted by a soccer ball hitting him in the face during a practice.

2 hours later we were absolutely hammered and scattered around the apartments living room listening to my "sad songs" playlist.

I was on the floor with my back resting on the couch and the bottle of Whiskey Carli brought in my hands.

"Do you think life will always be this complicated?" I said making the other two look at me.

"I mean my grandma kicked me out like 2 months ago. I'm in high school and I'm a dancer at a club with my English teacher who I kissed."

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