Chapter 6

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Drew's POV:

I woke up on my couch feeling like I had to vomit. I check my phone. 3AM. I looked around the room and noticed 3 things; Dani and Carli we asleep on the couch and the 3rd thing was we were all in our underwear.

I definitely have no recollection of taking mine off so I know I definitely blacked out. Fuckin tequila gets my ass every time.

"Shut that phone light off before I throw up on you." I heard Carli say through the darkness.

I giggled and turned the phone off.

I got off the couch, grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and went to my room. The last thing I remember was the notebook ending and Dani suggesting we play drinking games. Must've been pretty bad for us all to have our clothes off.

I chugged the entire bottle of water and laid down in my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I knew I was still drunk. The bed felt like it was rolling underneath me. So I sat up.

"I guess I won't be going back to sleep." I said to myself.

I sat on my bed scrolling through tik toks for an hour. By this point I knew I wasn't drunk but I also know I'm not gonna be able to sleep. I checked the time. It was 4:15. I guess I'll go on a run.

I got ready to leave my apartment and put two water bottles on the couch for my two idiots.

I left the apartment and started jogging towards the park. It felt so good to run. Running makes me feel clear. After yesterday and all the alcohol, that's what I needed. To clear my head. But apparently my stomach wanted to be clear too. Out of no where I stopped and started throwing up into the grass.

"Are you okay?" I jumped when I heard the voice I knew all to well say behind me.

"Fuck Olivia! Why the fuck are you sneaking up on me. That's how you get murdered."

"How are you gonna murder me if your busy throwing up?"

"I don't know what if I had a gun? Your ass would be dead."

"Yes that outfit would be really complete with a Glock strapped to your waste. You should get on that." She giggled. I subconsciously took a step toward her.

I was gonna respond but couldn't because I started throwing up again.

I felt a hand on my back and her other one hold my arm. When I felt her touch me I instantly goosebumps.

"Seriously. Are you okay?" She asked

When I gained control of my stomach I looked up at her. Her piercing blue eyes held a look of concern.

"I'll be fine."

She watched me for a second then she realized how closed we were still and she let go of my arm.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" She questioned.

"Having a beautiful woman watch me throw up was not on my list of things to do today. That's on my Thursday list. So no thank you Ms. Wells."

"well the good news is, you still look pretty after throwing up. The bad news is you clearly are gonna have a terrible hangover." She laughed. Hearing her laugh was slowly becoming my favorite sound.

I laughed "You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"Oh I KNOW how to make a girl feel special." She responded.

My eyes widened as I stared at her "what the fuck was that?" I said as I burst into laughter.

"Oh my gosh. Im so sorry. I don't know why I said that. It was totally inappropriate of me to say" she panicked.

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