Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)21

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Hey Guys!!

It has been soo long!! 

And thanks alot for everyone who voted for that fucked up chapter :)

I hope that this chapter can make up for it!!:) 


Chapter 21

A fire crackled at the fire place of the Hogwarts Headmistress office giving the room an eerie light at the gloomy September evening.

The particular room was crowded with a bunch of five students who sat opposite to their Headmistress along with one of their professors.

The group of students consists of three Gryffindors and two Slytherins and their brown haired professor who happens to be their Head of Gryffindor, Professor Jackson who was looking at the students with a worried look on her usually smiling face.

Behind the stern looking Headmistress the previous Headmaster ‘Albus Dumbledore” stood proudly in his portrait with a slight worried look on his usual blue twinkling eyes.

All the previous Headmasters took in the unusual group in front of them while whispering to each other from their own portraits in the room.

“Minerva, I think it is time”, Dumbledore spoke peeking through his half-moon glasses.

“Time for what?”, Harry answered first not wanting to have any more secrets hidden from him that are related to him.

“Of course, Albus”, the stern looking Headmistress continued ignoring Harry Potter’s question.

“Perseus, tell us everything you know about your family”, McGonagall told the dark haired Slytherin boy in front of her.

Percy’s POV


When Professor McGonagall asked me to tell everything I knew about my family I automatically turned to my mother who was sitting next to the fireplace with a cup of tea in her hands.

She gave me a nod and a stern look that specially said “Spill Everything Out”. I returned it with a small nod and a slight smile turning back to the audience I had. Harry, Ron and Draco who looked at me expectantly waiting for me to spill the beans while Hermione was looking at me with a slight worry and a look that said “You have a lot to tell me later”( Which didn’t look  very good). Professor McGonagall had a slight worried look but it was easily covered by her curious look and Professor Dumbledore was looking straight at my face as if he knew what I was about to say. After everything my new friends told me about the old Headmaster he reminded a lot of Chiron because they both had that intelligent look in their eyes and the fact that they always seems to know what we are going to do or say.

Because all the attention I was getting I felt nervous all of a sudden. I am used to all the attention on me since I found out who my father was but anyone would feel nervous if they were supposed to announce to your best friends that you are related to the bad guy who wants to kill them all. Because it wouldn’t be very beautiful if I said, “ Hello guys, you know? I am related to Uncle Voldy”. Ya, Just great Perce.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now