Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)3

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Hey guys!!!!

Thank you soo much for all your comments and votes!!!!! And I am soo happy many people like it!!!

Many people are complaning for braking Percabeth soo, I thought of keeping them bestfriends... i think thats good because I don't want to change the plot......

So, here is the third chapter!!!!

Hope you like it!!! :)


Percy's POV

It has been one week since the news that I am a WIZARD. Crazy isn't it?How can someone be three things? Well I am.

My mom told me about many things about the wizarding world. Actually to tell the truth it sounded amazing. Like, how with a simple stick you can do things from cleaning your room to killing someone. I wish I knew about all this earlier because I really hate claening my room!!

"Percy are you ready? We are leaving in almost 2 hours!!", my mom shouted from downstairs.

"I am getting ready. And I have to iris- message the camp and tell Chiron that I am no comming!", I shouted from my room.

"Ya. honey... Hurry up!!"

I wish we are not using a plane because I don't want to get blasted by an angry Zues. I hope that my mom could do something with her stick that will make us be in England in seconds.

I started paking my things. I put the riptide in my pant pocket. I hope i want need it!!

*********************** Half hour left *********************************************************

Standing in my bathroom I pulled out a drachma and tossed it into the rainbow and muttered,

"O,Iris Goddess of the rainbow ,accept my  offering. Show me Chiron, Camp half blood"

After sometime I saw an image of Chiron, Mr.D and Annabeth playing the usual game.

"Hello Chiron, Mr. D and Annabeth", I said giving a smile and a wave.

"Hello Percy", Chiron said looking at me and giving a smile.

'Hi Seaweed brain!!!  Are you coming to the camp?", Asked Annabeth smilling. Oh ya, we are still best friends beacuse after what happened we talked and made things clear.

"What do you want Peter Johonson(SP?)?,"asked an annoyed Mr.D without even looking at me.

"I found that I am a wizard and now I have to go to England for two years to attend a school for wizards!! crazy isn't it? So, I won't be able to come to camp"

"WOW!!! When you reach their iris- message me and show me about the architecture!!!," Annabeth said her eyes lighting up.

"Ya, sure!!", I said smilling along with her.

"Percy tell me about it!", Chiron asked who was quite for some time.

So, then I repeated everything my mother told me.

"Percy, comefast we are leaving!!", my mom shouted from below.

"I think i have to go now! I'll iris- message you when I am in England"

'Ya, sure!! Bye Seaweed Brain!! Gonna miss you", Annabeth said waving her hand.

"Bye Percy!! And Good Luck!!!", Chiron muttered with a smile before waving a hand through the message.

*************************** Downstairs about to leave *******************************

"Bye Percy, hope you have a good time there", Paul said before shaking my hand. Paul is not coming with us because he has school work and stuff mainly beacuse he is the principle.

"Sure Paul, I am going to  miss you", I said giving him a smile.

'Bye honey!!!,' my mom said before giving a kiss on Paul's cheek.

"Bye Sally!!", He said smilling.

"So, mom are we flying? Beacuse i seriously don't feel like it!!! Can't you do somrthing with that stick of yours and make us appear in England?", I asked nervously.

My mom and step dad both laughed at me. "No honey we are not flying and it has been a long time since I had used my wand so I don't think we will not be able use magic!', my mom said still smilling.

"So, how are we going?", Somethings are very confusing. I hate it.

"We are using floo powder!!', she said taking a pot that i had never seen  from the corner of the fireplace.

"Ohk!!", I said trying to rap my mind around this. Sometimes, I really wish I had a brain like Annabeth!!.

"Ok, honey you are going first. It's going to be very simple. You just have to throw a bit of the powder to the fire and tell "Headmistress office, Hogwarts" very clearly."

I looked at the fireplace and there was no fire. And who will be crazy enough to use a fire in the middle of summer!!! When I was about to tell that there is no fire my mom waved her stick or wand whatever and somewards a fire started in the empty fireplace.

"Mom I thought you forgot to use magic?", I said looking at her.

"Oh! I remember small spells but not the bigger ones!", She asid smilling.

'Headmistress office, Hogwarts", I muttered as I stepped into the fire when it turnd to a green colur.


So what do you think????

I will try to post soon.... but i have my exams for damn three weeks!!!!:(

I will try to post inbetween when ever I can....

Tell me what you think!!!


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