Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)10

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Hey guys!!!

Thank you for whoever commented and voted for my last chapter!!!:)

I know you guys are mad at me for being a promise breaker and for posting a lame chapter last time!!!

Ok,this time I am not going to promise about posting everytime but I am promising to post when ever I am free:)

Here is the next chapter!!:)


Hermione's POV

Draco and I both were now sitting in one of the tables in the library. The library was almost empty except for one or two people who were getting ready for the classes. Draco still got the dirty looks from the Slytherin for being the traitor but he moved them aside. We came to library today for teaching Percy some more of magic before the lessons started. 

Now, we were waiting for him becuase he went tolk to his mom about something important. Harry and Ron couldn't come with us because they were having dates with their girlfriends. We sat on one of the empty tables. Drcao took out his potions book and started going through I pulled out my copy of Hogwarts: A History and started reading it. It was one of my favorite books.

I was in the middle of the fifth page when Percy came. He gave me his cute smile which always made my heart ru a mile.

"Hey Guys", he said pulling out the chair next to me. Draco mutterd a 'Hey' without looking up no wonder potions is his favroite subject.

"Hi Percy!, Draco loves potions so much", I said giving a glare towards Draco. 

"It's okay", he said laughing.

"Okay I am teaching you charms now", pulling out now.

"Yes Ma'm", he said with a serious tone which made me laugh. 

Time went flying and soon it was time for lunch. Teaching Percy was fun. He made jokes in the middle and he was also a fast learner. 

We had to pull Draco from his chair to take him for lunch. 

"I didn't know you love potions that much", I told Draco when we were all walking for lunch. Percy laughed while Draco gave me a glare.

We seperated to our respective tables. Harry and Ron were already there along with Ginny. Ginny told me about how their date went and I told about how my day went. Dinner too quickly passed. 

I was sitting on the sofa of my common room reading Hogwarts:A History while Harry and Ron were playing a game of chess which Harry was obviously losing.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now