Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)13

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Hello Everyone!!!:)

So sorry for not posting:( and I hope you all come to my funeral :(

Thanks for everyone who voted and commented for my last chapter:)


Here goes the next chapter :)



Percy's POV


"I am a demigod. I am half human and half god." I said trying to keep my calmness."My father is -"

"Poseidon",Hermone interupted me. I was about to ask how she knew when I heard a thump towards my left. Ron had fallen down from the chair. He had a face full of shock, suprise and even fear.

"A-are you serious?", he asked stuttering.

"I am serious," I said trying not to laugh at his look. It reminded me the reaction I had when Chiron said Gods were real.

"Ya, he is erious", Hermione answerd for me.

"How do you know who my father is?", I asked trying to wrap my mind around how she guessed. Now,I really wish I had Annabeth's brain.

"I had a dream. You lifted up the lake in our school'', she said looking straight me.

"Oh!!", I could tell she wasn't telling me everything. But I didn' want to know anymore crazy things.

"Tell us about how it was to be a demigod?", Draco asked. Out of all of us he was the calmest one. He always handled everything without jumping or fainting or whatever other's reaction should be.

"Ya, tell us", Harry asked excitedly. He has snapped out of his idea that this was somekind of joke.

I started telling them about the adventures Annabeth,Grover and I had tggether. I told them about the demigod dreams and how monsters attack us by tracking our smell.

"So, demigods have powers from their parents?", Ron asked after my explanation. He looked better now.

"yup, we get powers from our parents like zues children can use ligtning and even flying", I said remembering Thalia and Jason. I still couldn't beleive Thalia is scared of hights. I missed her. She is and awesome cousin except when she is angry. I miss Nico too. I miss all my friends.

"Cool!!! So, what powers do you have?", asked an excited Ron.

"mm... I can control water,sometimes earth quakes", I said remembering St.Helens explosion.

"WOW!!!!", Ron's face was priceless.He looked dreamy as if he was imaging the scene.

"Ok, children it is almost time to go to your common rooms", came a voice behind us. time has flown pretty fast.

 I took alook  around and the library was almost empty except for a bundle of seventh years in one corner.

We still had our potions home work left which we have to submit on Thursday. Lucky thing we have two days to finish it but Hermione told us we need to finish it today so that we won't have a pile of homeworks to do the next day. But unfortunatly for her and fortunatly for us Madam Prince came the second time and pushed us out of the library telling it was getting past the curfew.

On the way to our common rooms she kept on telling about how we could save time and sleep if we finished the essay today. All four of us tried to ignore her and talked about how the first Defence Against Dark Art classes will be which is tomorrow. Hermione soon joined the conversation getting bored of her complaining. She has stopped giving me the looks but in her eyes there was a small sign that said she hasn't fully beleived me.

We divided and went to our seperate common rooms.

Draco said the password and the dungeon opend revealing our common room.

I felt teird from all the classes and talking I had today but I felt like a huge weight is taken from my shoulders and I don't really have to lie to my friends anymore.

I layed on my bed but I didn't want to have another dream and find out that another relative is plotting plans to kill everyone. But, teirdness got best of me and I closed my eyes and let the sleep come.


I know it wasn't much guys but something interesting is going to happen in the next chapter:)*If I am alive*:P


I am pretty busy these days so I won't be able to post everyday but I will try my best:)



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