Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(PJO & HP Fan Fiction)25

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Hey Guys!! =]

I know it has been FOREVER!! I'm sorry lack of any updates!! Lately, I have been busy and also lazy. Too lazy to type anything!! ;( I'm having my finals next month and I'm trying to balance everything out so I won't screw up everything!! XD

Well, I finally dragged my self to write the last chapter for Book 1!! =] Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: I don't own either of the amazing book series.


Chapter 25

Harry tightend his school robes around him waiting for Hermione to finish with the warming spell. They were all sitting around in an empty class room after the dinner. They meaning- Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and Percy. 

"So what was so important that you had to drag me away from the common room?", Ron asked annoyed which made his ears turn a bit pink or may be it was the cold. 

"Well, Percy and I figured out something", Hermione spoke up suprising everyone. Not that they didn't expect her to figure it out, it was that she rarely ever took help from some one. But this year had been full of suprises so why not add another. 

"I know you guys wouldn't want to hear it but it's important. Voldermort is back and he is trying to break into azkaban," Percy muttered quietly noticing the wince Draco held back when he used the full name of the dark wizard.

"Wow! NIce trick Percy! I knew you had it in you! I still don't understand how you even fit in Slytherin!", Ron patted Percy's back grinning brightly. 

"Ronald! I'm serious!", Hermione's hissed angrily at the ignorent red head who paled realising that it wasn't any joke. 

"I knew it!", Harry jumped up from his chair almost hitting a rather pale Draco who looked like he would pass out. Percy sympathised with him. He remember how others told him that during the last year Voldermort had resided in the Malfoy Manor. His mind couldn't wrap around how it must be to be trapped in his own home with a psychopath ruler. 

"What do you mean you knew it?", Ron too got up from his chair his hands shaking whether from anger or fear Percy didn't know. 

"Today, when we were in the quidditch pitch my scar hurt. It wasn't much just a sting so I ignored it but then later when I was in the showers it hurt. And then I had a vision like the dreams I used to have. It was just like before I could see what Voldermort was doing. It wasn't really clear may be beacuse he sounded really weak," Harry finished his explanation now leanning against the table running a hand through his lightening shaped scar.

"What I don't get is how is he back? I thought you guys destroyed all the horcrux? Did you guys forget one?", Draco asked urgently his face cold and lack of any emotions but you could see the raging emotions in his grey eyes. 

"We destroyed all of it! I'm sure. Dumbledore said that was all", Harry was now mumbeling. He didn't want to see that man again. The monster who killed his parents and countless others.

"That's what Hermione was going to explain about. We figured it out with a little help from Annabeth," Percy told the three distressed looking teens. 

"Remeber how Perce told that when Thanatos was captured the dead didn't stay dead. And whoever they killed during that time returned after sometime?", Hermione spoke urgently her know-it-all voice, which was what Draco called it. 

"Yes, Percy said that was beacuse the doors of dead were open,"Draco continued with gasp as it downed on him."Bloody hell! But how come we didn't see it?"

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