Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)12

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Hey Guys!!!

I love all of you soo much!!!:)

Thanx for all of you commented and voted for my last chapter!!:)

Ok, Sorry for the long wait guys:( Our New Year started yesterday and all my relatives and my dad's friend came for dinner and left in the middle of the night so, I am posting now:) Don't kill me because I am posting the this chapter so if you plan to kill me it is your loss :P 

Back to the topic, Here is the chapter:)


 Chapter 12

Percy's POV

I woke up for Draco shaking me telling that I only had thirty minutes to get ready and got to classes. I quickly changed into my school robes which looked ridiculous on me. I grabbed my school bag which fortunately I packed yesterday. I put my wand in the pocket of my school bag which now hung on my right shoulder. 

I quickly walked with Draco into the Great Hall. Lucky for us students were still coming in. I didn't want the first day of my new school to be started like  this but this was me we are talking about, so you can never expect anything but normal. I fell asleep late yesterday after the crazy dream and finding out my new relative. I really wish it was just a crazy dream nut being a demigod you can't expect that. I and Draco wolfed down the food before it disappeared. 

Draco and I both walked out of the Great Hall. Outside the hall Hermione, Harry and Ron were waiting for us because we are going to have potions together. Harry and Ron gave us casual Hellos along with Hermione who was giving me a look as if she is trying to figure out all my secrets. I felt uncomfortable under the gaze. Her eyes gave the look that Annabeth often has when she knows something that I don't. I was feeling nervous because this is my first class in the year and it was potions. According to Draco it was taken by a professor named Snape and according to Hermione he is a pain in the ass. I really hope I won't blow anything up because it is something I am famous for.  

We all walked down the dungeons to the classes. Hermione kept giving me looks as if I got a third head. We were just in time because just when I sat down a tall man with greasy black hair walked in wearing all black. He had a frown on his face and I could tell he was a person who never laughs easily. I paired myself with Draco because I didn't want to blow whatever I was making on my face. Harry and Ron got paired together while Hermione paired up with Neville. 

We made a dreamless sleep potion which I wish I could have to stop having dreams of relatives coming after me planning to kill me. Draco did most of the work while I read out the ingredients and helped him get the things. Our potion came out alright along with Hermione's while Harry and Ron's turned into a colour of green and Snape took ten points from Gryffindor which most of the Slytherins found funny except me and Draco. That was very mean of him. But I kept my mouth shut. I really started disliking my potions teacher. He kind of reminded me of Mr.D. But they don't even look anything alike but may be because they both like making our lives miserable.

After the bell rang we made our way out of the dungeons for our next classes. We had Transformation with Ravenclow and Gryffindors had charms. So, we had to split up.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now