Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)7

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Hey guys!!!

I thought I won't be able to post this week... But I guess I was lucky:)

Ok, here is the next chapter!!!

Hope you guys like it!!!:)



Hermione's POV

It was almost time for us to get changed into our robes.So, I closed the book I was reading and told everyone that we should probably get changed.

Soon, we all sat back in the compartment after getting changed.

"Do guys know that we are getting a new Defence Against Dark Arts teacher?", I asked when we were settled back.

'Yup, it was in the letter they sent", Draco said from his place next to Harry.

"And we are also getting a new additional subject which is compulsory", Ginny said.

"Ya, it is about Greek gods and stuff!!! I am going to enjoy it!!", I said smilling.

"Ya,obviously you are going to enjoy it!", Ron said rolling his eyes.

"I hope the new DADA teacher is not like Umbridge!!", Harry said for the first time ignoring Ron's comment.

We all hoped hated her." I really hope the new teacher is nice", I thought to myself. I know we all thought the same thing.

Suddenly the train came to a stop telling that we have reached our destination. Slowly we all stood up  and made our way out of the compartment. Letting the excited first years get out first atlast we made our way out of the train.

Most of the sixth years gave Draco odd looks. But he continued talking with Harry about when they will go to Hongsmade next week.

Telling "Hellos" to Hagrid we made our way to carriages which were pulled by creatures called Thestrals who are invisible to many of the students. but now they are visible to most of us because we have seen enough death during the war.

We all sat in the same carriage. I sat next to Ginny and Luna who joined us just now and opposite to us were Ron and then in the middle was Harry and on the other corner was Draco.

Luna and Ginny were talking about some witch magezine while the boys were chatting about something. I looked at the castle now visible. It looked more inviting than earlier and much less darker. 

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now