Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)8

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Thanx for all who voted and commented for my last chapter!!!:)


Percy's POV

I walked awkwardly and sat at the end of the Slytherin table.  I sat next to a guy who looked around my age,he had blonde hair and looked well build I couldn't see his eyes. He was looking down at his food paying no attention to what ever was going around him. He looked up at me when I sat down. He had grey blue eyes and his face was expression less.

"Hi! I am Percy", I said giving him a smile.

"Draco", he said looking back at his food again.

I started eating bits from my food. It felt weird that my school was starting tomorrow. I looked around me. Everyone was talking to each other excitedly. Feeling lonely all of a sudden I started finishing my food.

The food vanished and Professor McGonagall gave one last speech and told us that we won't be having classes for this week because some of the castle is still to be completed from the damage.

After that everyone started leaving the Great Hall. I felt left out. So, I started following the Slytherins. I was walking slowly. Soon, the Great Hall was empty. In front of me was the guy who called himself "Draco". I gave a pat on his shoulder and he turned around facing me.

"Um... Can you show me where the slytherin rooms are? I don't know the castle much since I am new", I said giving a small smile. Now, the hallway was almost empty. 

"Hey Draco!!", he was about to say something but was cut off by a girl's voice.

"Hey Hermione", he said smiling at someone behind me.

I turned around to see a girl and two boys walking towards us.

"Hello!! I am Hermione Granger, Gryffindor", she said pointing her hand at me.

"Hi! I am Percy Jackson, Slytherin", I said smiling. She had long brown curly hair and Cinnamon eyes. She was quite tall. I came to the conclusion that she is pretty.

"I am Harry and this is Ron", said the guy next to her pointing hid hand at the red haired guy.

"Hi!", I said to both guys. The guy who called himself Harry had messy black hair like me and light green eyes. I wondered if he was one of my brothers.

We were all walking together towards our common rooms as my mother called them earlier. The guys were talking about something called Quandditch. And Hermione was also adding some points in the middle. I quietly walked next to them admiring the portraits and the architecture of the castle quietly.

"You are quite opposite of Slytherins", Hermione said suddenly. We all stopped and looked at her. I gave her a puzzled look. What was that supposed  to mean? I was about to ask this but Harry beat me to it.

"I mean I have know you for less than ten minutes now and I can tell you are quite different from a Slytherin", she said looking at me. 

"I don't get it", I said frowning. The guys looked at her too.

"Like you are kind, friendly and nice", she said smiling.

"Oh!! But you don't know me much", I told her.

"I know, but I am good at reading most people", she said.

"Thanks!! My mom was a Gryffindor", I said looking at them hoping they knew somrthing about the earlier incident. But it looked like they were in the same boat too.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now