Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)9

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Yo Guys!!!! I love you all and thank you all for commenting and voting for my last chapter!!:)

My exams are  over and I am a free bird!! * laugh my ass out* hahaha... :) So, I will try to post everyday!!:)

Ok, Back to topic... Here is the next chapter!!! WOW!! I didn't even realise it's the nonth chapter!!! :):)


Percy's POV

The hallway was dark and felt cold as if it was full of evil. The moon was shining outside but the light didn't reach the hallway as if it was covered with a black coat.

I walked slowly trying my best not to make any noise. On the other end was a room. I moved closer to the door. It was half open. I could hear people talking inside but I couldn't understand anything. I peeked inside the room. It wasn't dark like the hallway. The moonlight was pouring through the glass. I could make out shapes of people inside. The room was colder than the hallway and I could tell the source of the evil was inside the room. The fireplace was empty. A comfertable,cusion chair sat on the center with a coffe table in front. The walls were full of books. It looked like a library but lonely.

Someone was sitting on the chair. two people were standing on both the sides. They were addressing the man. 

I walked slowly through the door. They didn't seem to notice or hear me. I stood farway from them possible. They seem to act as if I was invisible. Now, I could make out some words..... Azkaban......., Lord....... Escape....

I was feeling totally confused. I moved towards the front of the room and stood next to the fireplace. The moonlight staight away fell on the person sitting on the chair. I looked at the person sitting on the chair. He was wearing black robes( a wizard I came to the conclusion), his hands were bony as if he was locked up in a room without food for a year.My eyes slowly moved from his robes, hands to his face. He looked scary. His look made Kornos look like a baby boy. He was looking down. I couldn't see his eyes but his head was bold. 

Suddenly, he spoke. 

"We have company", It was a voice that sent chills down my spine. 

He looked up and looked straight where I was standing. He looked even more scary now. His eyes.....

They were......


I woke up with a start. I looked around my surroundings. I was on my bed in Slytherin boys dorm. I gave a sigh of relief. My forehead was wet from sweat. Everyone was asleep. Outside was dark. I could make out from the only window in the room.

"Lumos", I muttered holding me wand tightly. The tip of the wand gave a small blue light enough for me too see where I was going. I held the wand closer to the alarm clock that my mom gave me. 

It was 6:00AM. I knew I couldn't sleep anymore. I slwly made my way to the bathroom with my clothes. We can wear whatever we want till the school starts.

I let the bubbles fill up. I stared at my self in the mirror. My hair was messed up and my eyes looked tierd. The best is a warm bath. Water alway gave me strength being the son of poseidon.  I sat inside the bath tub. My mind wonderd to the last three days. I made friends with many people. My closest friends were Draco and Hermione. Harry and Ron were a bit uncomfertable about me. I wonder why. I didn't have any dreams till today. I think the demigod side is kicking in again. I closed my eyes hoping to forget all the crazy dreams for awhile.

I sat on the sofa in the common room. It was a bit cold but comfertable. No one was awake yet. I still hadn't told any of my friends about the gods. I planned to go talk to my mother about telling them today because they told me about their lives, Like about this guy called Voldermort who wanted to kill everyone and rule the world, He reminded me of Kornos. I think it is fare for me to tell them about my secrets too. 

I went to talk to my mom the day after the sorting to find out why I was in Slytherin and why they reacted like that. She told I was in Slytherin may be because of the family blood and for the second question she told "You will know in time, honey". 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by people coming down the stairs. Girls were talking and giggling as usual. The boys were walking quickly muttering how hungry they were. 

"Morning", Draco said taking a seat next to me on the sofa. 

"Morning Draco", I said smilling. He was one of the only Slytherin's I am comfertable with. Many Slytherins talked to me because my mom was a teacher and many didn't talk because i hand out with Draco and the Gryffindors.

"Lets got to breakfast", he said getting up. The common room was almost empty.

We walked to Great Hall and sat in one corner of the Slytherin table. Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting in the Gryffindor table talking with Ginny and Neville. They waved to me and Draco smilling. Today we planned to meet in the library and they are going to teach me a bit more of magic.

Soon the owls came with letters. As usual me and Draco didn't have any mail except for th copy of " "The Daily Prophet " for Draco.

"Hey Percy and Draco", Hermione said giving me and Draco a  hug each. We were outside the Great Hall. Harry and Ron wasn't  there  because they were spending their day with their girlfriends. So, we three were together. 

We were slowly walking towards the library. The castle looked interesting in the sunlight. The walls were shinhig because of the reflection. We were about to climb a flight of staire whrn I saw my mother walk towards the Headmistress Office.

"Hey guys!! I will catch up with you later. I need to talk to my mom", I said pointing at where my mom was slowly walking.

"Ya, sure", Hermione said giving me a smile.

"See you in the library", Draco said gicing a pat on my shoulder.

"Hey mom", I called out to my mom as I caught up with her.

"Morning Perce", she said giving me a hug.

"Mom I think i should tell my friends about the gods"

"I know Percy but I think you should wait till I teach my first class", she said giving me a sad smile.

"I know mom but they tell me everything"

"I know how you feel but wait for two more days. I am on my way to get my teaching timetable", she said giving me a another hug.

'I'll try", I said before making my way towards the library. I can't wait to tell them the truth and get it over with.


I know you guys expected something better.... I know you guys are disapointed in me:(

Anyways what do you think??? And guess who did Percy dream about!!!

Please comment and vote:);)


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