Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)11

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Hello Guys!!!:)

Thanks to everyone who commented and voted for my last chapter!!!:) 

Here is the next chapter!!!!:)

Hope you enjoy it!!:)


Percy's POV

The morning flew like a rocket. I visited my mom and told her about the dreams. I didn't tell  her about the family tree much because I couldn't read any names. After hearing about my dreams ahe said something about "He is dead". But that didn't make any sense. I asked her who was that and she said she need to talk to Professor McGonagall.

I hated having dreams and being cluless. I really didn't want to deal with another Kornos right now.

I made my way to lunch. People were talking excitedly as usual. I saw Harry and Ron sitting next to Hermione and shuffing up their mouth with food. I had to laugh at them. On the other hand Hermione looked tierd as if she couldn't sleep last night. I wonder if she had the dreams too. I waved at all three of them and sat next to Draco, who was playing with his food on the plate.

We discussed about how the classes are going to be. I don't know why Slytherins hated Gryffindor so much. For me all of them looked the same and I still don't get the concept of Purebloods, Halfbloods and Mudbloods. 

At the end of the lunch Professor McGonagall stood up and said that the classes are  starting tomorrow and now we will get the timetables.

I started at the paper infront of me. It was divided into different boxes showing the classes, timing and with which house. Tomorrow the first thing we have is potions with gryffindors. At this half the table groand. I don't get it. Then again we have greek mythology after lunch with them. It was my mom's class. So, finaly I could tell them them about the Gods. We also have Defense Against Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindors. According to Draco for the past years they only had two classes together, Potions and Care of Magical Creatures. Many of the Gryffindors and Slytherins were looking at each other and frowning. 

As if reading their minds Professor McGonagall told everyone that they planned this to keep the inter house relations strong because both Gryffindor and Slytherin has a weak bond compared to other two houses.

 We were all sitting down in one of the tables towrds the farend of the library. Harry and Ron were struggeling with a book about  Potions. While Draco was reading Hogwarts:A History because Hermione made him sit and read it. And hermione was teaching me how to make some potions incase Professor Snape planned to ruin my first day.

All the four of us made our way to the dinning room with our stomachs asking for food. As usual we all sat according to our houses. Hermione still had that look that she was thinking about something hard. Even while she was teaching me I could tell her mind was somewhere else.

After dinner Draco and I both went to our dorms and packed things for our school along and got our uniforms ready. When we were finished most of the guys were sleep and I felt tierd. I soon fell on my bed hoping that dreams won't come to me. I heard Draco mutter a Good Night before I closed my eyes.


Hermione's POV

The day passed very fast and my mind was still stuck in the dream I had last night. It even distracted me while I was teaching Percy. Dream doesn't make any sense. I hate not being able too understand anything. I sat down on my bed replaying the dream on my head.

The place looked very similar. I walked around trying to figure out the place. I walked a bit forward and realised that I wasn't alone. A figure stood in front of me looking down at the lake. I turnd behind me to see the hogwarts castle. I was in the grounds near the lake. The figure turned around and the moonlight fell on his face. It was Percy. He wasn't looking at her. He closed his eyes and it looked like he was concentrating. In a matter of seconds the whole lake rose up. She was shoked but she was even  more shoked when he wasn't holding a wand. She was about to speak when he opend his eyes and the whole lake fell back. She was not much shoked at what he did but she was shoked at what she saw in his eyes. They were his usual sea green but it had a power she has never seen in her life, as if with one swift mvement he could take down the whole castle.

That was the only part I  could remember because she woke up. Iwanted to ask Percy about this but I knew he will think that I went crazy. It was hard to keep my mind off the dream. I really wanted to find the truth.

Thinking about all this I fell asleep on my comfertable bed. And the crazy dreams took over once again.


Percy's POV

The room was dark like last time but a light shown where the potrait hung.It was the same family tree potrait. I moved closer so that now I could read the names clearly.(A/N: You guys can see it in this link:  but has some changes. Sorry about that ). On the top were names of families I have never heard. I  could tell they were old and powerful wizarding families. I kept reading until he reached the name Salazar Slytherin.  The name felt very similar,then I realised he was one of the founders of Hogwarts.

I read down the list stopping at  a name that read Marvolo Gaunt. An arrow pointed to other side indicating that he had a brother or it looked more like a step brother called  Marcus Reveal. Then Marcus had a son called Austrian Reveal and he married Recissia Smith. And they gave birth to a daughter called Sally Reveal. "My mom", I thought to myself. Her name was joined with another name. It read Poseidon. And below that was my name. But not Percy Jackson. It was Perseus Reveal. I took this all in. 

I am the last heir of the Reveal family but not of Gaunt family because Tom Marvolo Riddle. This meant that I still had a living relative. 


I woke up with a start. The alarm clock on my bedside read 3:00AM in the morning. My sleepines has left me so I thought of understanding my dream.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

The name felt very familiar as if I have heard it before. I was sitting on my bed. The whole room was dark. I could make out the sleeping forms of my house mates. I was looking at everyone when my eyes landed on Draco. He was sleeping soundlessly.

And then I rememberd. I remember one day in the library when Draco and Hermione came to teach him they told about the war. They told him about Voldermort who like Kornos wanted to rule the world. And his earlier name was Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Awesome I have another relation who wants to rule the world", I thought to myself as I closed my eyes wanting to have dreamless sleep.


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