Chapter 1

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Hi! Thanks for clicking on the story! I'd like to warn you that this chapter and the next chapter might seem a bit cliché but rest assured I don't do cliché. The rest of the story is very unique and diverse so please give it a chance until chapter 3. xx


Harry's P.O.V

The day in London right now was better than your average Spring; where even the laziest people came out of their houses to feel the joy of it. However to me, it felt like the day was mocking me.

After partying all night, and suffering from a hangover the next morning, today, the last thing I had wanted was to be ambushed at my house by my four bandmates. But alas, that was exactly what had happened. 

Hanging from the couch in my living room upside down, I had barely opened my eyes when the door to my flat had burst open. I turned my head around just enough to see all four of them standing there. Louis was glaring at me with his aquamarine eyes, his brown hair in it's usual mess while his slightly chiseled jaw was clamp shut, lips in a disappointed scowl at my state. Liam and Zayn were slightly different. They weren't glaring, but their brown eyes were staring at me in disappointment. Niall was the opposite of Louis. Regarding me and my wild behaviour, he had always been different.

He was staring at me with sorrow in those ocean blue eyes. Niall didn't care if I partied a lot. All he cared about was having the 'old' me back.

They had exchanged looks between themselves, and that's when I had noticed the rope dangling in Liam's arms. Before I could've even asked about it, they ran towards me and jumped on my lying figure on the couch. While Liam and Zayn restrained me, Niall had helped Louis tie the rope around my chest and elbows. They didn't given me an answer when I demanded to know what they were doing. Just did what they came to do before dragging me out of my flat. Paul was standing there against the car, a sympathetic look in his eyes but his face was hard, his jaw unshaven. He had his arms crossed on his chest, making his large forearms seem even larger in size. 

When we were close enough, he had opened the car door for me and Louis shoved me forward, gesturing me to step in the car.

"Harry? Harry!?"

"Ow!" I covered my ears as Louis' voice rang in them, snapping me out of thinking of today mornings incident. "Good. Now, pay attention!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to meet with the management! I already have a bad hangover!"I protested but I was waved off.

"No more excuses, Harry. This has gone way over the top! Starting a fight at the bar, hitting on a lads woman! Harry, how would Anne feel when she finds out about this?" Liam asked and I looked down, feeling slightly ashamed.

I know I was disappointing my mum but there was no other way to help myself. "Whatever. But really? Kidnapping me from my own house? Was that really necessary?" I asked looking down at my restrained arms.

The worse was that Paul was holding the rope like a leash on a dog. All the boys except Paul snickered at my obvious discomfort but it was he who replied. "The management is very angry with you right now, Harry. They didn't want to give you a chance to escape us again."

I smirked a little at the thought. Last time they wanted a meeting with me, I ran away as soon as the car stopped at a red light. The boys were too surprised to follow.

"You got to admit, the look on your faces was priceless." I said and Louis looked like he was about to blow. "This isn't funny, Harold!" He exclaimed and I gulped.

I'm in deep, deep trouble.

"You think this is a joke!? 'Harry Styles caught in a bar fight!', 'Harry Styles continues his one night conquests', 'Harry this', Harry that' -" I cut him off.

"Of course it's me! I'm this bands favourite member! The fans love me! The media loves me! I got fame and fortune! What else could I possibly need!?" I shouted and saw Niall cringe from the corner of my eye.

"What about us? The band you worked so hard to get to the top? What about us four? What are we to you, Harry? I would've said you all are my brothers without a hesitation. Now, I'm not sure how many brothers I really have right now..." Niall trailed off as Paul announced that we have reached the building. He let go of the rope he was holding as he got out of the car and pulled me out first. But when the others tried to follow me out, I used the coldest voice on them that I could.

"Don't bother. I don't need any of you."

Paul had taken me to Simon's office, not the boardroom like I had thought. Simon Cowell was sitting at his desk with a man by his side. Both of their moderately whitening heads were bent as they went through a file that rested on the glass surface of the mahogany table in front of them. 

They looked up when Paul cleared his throat. When Simon saw me, his face darkened and he quietly motioned me to take a seat while the man beside him scowled at me. 

"Ah, Harry Styles. The man responsible for our headaches. Come on. Take a seat." The man beside Simon said. I took a seat directly in front of Simon, ignoring the man whom I didn't recognise.

"Get to the chase, Simon. I have somewhere to be." I said and he glared at me.

"You do. Harry, the management and I have decided that it's high time you get your priorities straight. We've let you enjoy yourself this past year and a half but enough is enough. You are getting two options. Either you straighten yourself out in the next year through a programme we have for you," He tapped his fingers on the file in front of him. "Or you get kicked out of the band."

I gaped at him, feeling very stunned by at what he just said. "You can't do that to me!"

"We can, Harry. We are your bosses. You are not ours." The man next to Simon said and passed the file to me.

I reached out and took it. I opened it up as best as I could only to have my eyes widen in shock as I read what was really inside the file. "New name? Nerd? What the hell is this!?" I demanded from the two men in front of me.

"It's simple, Harry. To get you away from your... daily routines, you need to be the exact opposite of who you are now. Therefore, you will be completing your missed school years as a nerd. You will go by the name of Marcel Smith. Until then 'Harry Styles' will be going to rehab for anger management and alcohol addiction. Your mother is informed about this and she has given us full permission to act on our decision depending on how you behave for the given time frame. We will be sending one person once every month to see how you are fairing up on your own."

I slouched on my chair seeing no way out of this and nodded quietly.

"Your phone and you car will be replaced to suit you in your new environment. Also, you will not be allowed to talk to the boys until this programme is finished or tweet anything from your account. Louise will pick you up at five AM tomorrow morning to get your new look. And please, Harry, refrain from alcohol and sleeping with the girls in school or out of there. One word about you doing any of this, I'm warning you that it will be your last day as Harry Styles of One Direction."

Simon nodded as he finished, as if he was satisfied by giving me an ultimatum. I nodded in defeat and signed the contract resting on my lap, courtesy of Paul who released me from the ropes and gave me the pen I needed. I got up from my seat and started to walk towards the door when Simon called from behind.

"The boys will not know of this. They should also think you are going into rehab."

Like I care about them. I thought and just nodded my head at Simon in acknowledgement of what he had said.

"Sure. Whatever you say, boss."


AN: Please give me reviews on your opinions. I know this is kinda cliché but it gets better! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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