Chapter 50

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Harry's P.O.V

Louis, the poor guy had been told by the management to keep quiet about the matter just before the concert had started.

They had wanted to speak to Tahira too for some reason. Though when the conversation progressed, I knew something was very wrong when Tahira's face expressed determined anger.

"It's honestly disappointing how you think that this band needs PR stunts to promote themselves. A PR stunt like this is the last thing the boys need and the fans want." She quietly handed the phone to me after saying that, before walking away so I brought the phone to my ear

"What did you say to her?" I asked and I heard John curse to which I frowned.

"Control you fiancée, Harry. If she keeps this up, I'm afraid you'll have to end your engagement with her." John's voice came out of the phone and I felt myself getting angry but tried to not spit out the next words

"She's doing what's right. You can't force me to break my engagement with her just because she refuses to be controlled by you." I said and hung up before he could reply.

Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, I followed the direction in which Tahira went to check if she was alright since we still had five minutes until I had to go on stage.

I was passing our dressing room when I heard something coming from the inside. I opened the door but then it hit a body which was standing in front of it making me frown and I pushed the door again when Tahira's voice called out "Don't come in!"

I quickly pulled the door back towards me but leaving a little gap so that I could talk to her "Is something wrong?" I asked and heard her sigh "Everything's fine. Just fixing something." I detected something in her voice making me think that everything wasn't fine.

"You don't have to lie, you know..." I trailed off and heard her take a deep breath

"Okay. Everything isn't fine. I really don't like how they can mess with a million lives just for publicity. They don't understand the simple fact of how so many people are affected by what happens if your life." She said

I nodded my head in understanding "Don't worry about it, Ladybug. Our fans are smart. They'll figure it out sooner rather than later."

At that, she opened the door and came out half way so that half of her body was still hidden by the door. She was looking a bit red in the face, as if she was trying not to cry and then shook her head "You should go. The concert is starting in a minute."

I sighed and then nodded before leaving her standing there at the door of the dressing room. Whatever John had said to her obviously made her upset. So much so that she just wanted to be alone. And this worried me because she hasn't done this. Ever.

So I turned back around on my heels, marching towards the dressing room again. I stopped dead in my tracks though when I opened the door. The words I was planning to say stopping on the tip of my tongue, eyes widening.

Tahira sat there on the prayer mat she had brought along on the floor, facing a wall in the same crouching position she did whenever she prayed. But I knew she wasn't because she always prayed while the concert was going on, saying it was the correct time to pray. She sat up slowly, hands cupping in front of her face when she did but her back was still facing me.

"Ya Allah, hum ko apni maddad farmaiye." (Oh God, grant us your help.)

She kept repeating the words softly under her breath, sometimes using the same words but changing the sentence, not noticing me standing there at all. I silently walked away then, realising that she just why she wanted to be alone for a while.

I went to the stage straight after that. Doing what we do best, and what we love. I tried my best to not show everyone that I was distracted, my mind kept on going back to the scene I had just witnessed. Thankfully, no one noticed it though.

The tension in tonight's concert was palpable. It was obvious the fans wanted an answer from Louis to deny the rumour tonight, but he unfortunately couldn't.

The concert got over sooner than I would have liked. Sophia was standing near the dressing room with Tahira. They both were frowning and Sophia looked like she was trying to explain something to Tahira but she shook her head at Sophia, saying something in return.

"Hey, everything alright?" Liam asked and Sophia's head snapped towards us before she nodded "Yes, Liam. Tahira was just asking me something." We four exchanged looks but then shrugged, deciding we were too tired to question them at the moment.

"What did John say to you?" I asked Tahira as we travelled to our next destination. She was looking out the window, lost in thought but her head raised in acknowledgement of my question.

"Same old. 'Don't intervene in the matters that don't concern you. Boys need this, etc.' They really need to come up with new reasons." I took a seat right in front of her but at a distance "Why were you so upset then?" I asked and she looked down at her knotted fingers in her lap.

"Tahira?" I asked quietly

"John said that he'll force you to break our engagement. If I don't stop protesting against this publicity stunt. Or any future ones for that matter... And it just saddens me... How much control they have over you. And over the other boys as well." I shifted slightly closer to her but she didn't look away from her fingers.

"Tahira, I've already told John he can't force me to do that. He has absolutely no right to do that. And don't you dare stop fighting for what's right. John thinks he can control us because we are under their management, but he can't control you, and that is what irritates him the most. By giving into his demands, you'll just prove to him that he can control you. You haven't signed a contract with them, so he has no hold over you." I cut myself off when Tahira shook her head

"What about this band? It means to so much to you. Doesn't he have that hold over me? Blackmail me into thinking that he'll kick you out of the band..." I shook my head this time

"John won't risk that, Tahira. He knows that he can't get rid of any of us. That'll mean more bad publicity and we can't afford to have that since we'll be announcing the news for the new album soon. And as for blackmailing you, I'd like to see him try... Well, not really but you know what I mean." She chuckled slightly and I smiled.

"Now c'mon, go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us. And stop worrying about it. I've got it covered." She smiled and shook her head before complying to my request. I knew she wanted to say something when she stopped mid-walk but then slightly shook her head and walked away. I then frowned and looked out the window.

You are messing with the wrong girl, John.


AN: Wow. This is the first time I've ever reached this far in a story. Thanks for those who are reading this story! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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