Chapter 129

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Harry's P.O.V

We both sat down on the bed, looking at Ameera who was sleeping in her cot. Her face was still red, but now the redness was slowly dulling as the time flew by. It had made me so relieved to see that her fever was going down, albeit slowly.

Before any of us could say anything, the doorbell rang and kept ringing.

"I'll see who it is." I told Tahira and ran downstairs so that I could quickly quiet whoever it was before Ameera woke up from the sound and got cranky. When I opened the gate, I saw my bandmates standing there with slightly angry expressions.

"Why the hell did you run out!? Do you know how much we got scolded by John when he discovered you were gone!?" Louis exclaimed and I sighed, leaning against the door to let them in and they walked in.

"Ameera's fever got worse. We had to take her to the hospital to get her checked." I said and they all froze before turning around to face me with wide eyes.

"What!?" They exclaimed and I nodded with a sigh, closing the gate.

"How is she now?" Liam asked as we entered the house.

"I can't really say right now but she's sleeping. We gave her the medicine before she did though." I said as we walked up the stairs towards my room and called out to Tahira to tell her the boys were here before we went in.

The boys crowded Ameera's cot as soon as they stepped in while I sat down on the bed with Tahira again. Niall reached down to touch her cheek softly but winced, pulling his hand back immediately.

"She's burning badly. And this is after you gave her the medicine?" He asked and we nodded slowly.

"It's better than before. Her face was completely red then." Tahira said and they all winced. Liam held out a folded paper after a few seconds of silence between us.

"The song." He said when I looked at him confused and I nodded, taking the paper from him while Tahira looked at me confused. I shook my head at her, silently telling her that I'll tell her later about it and she nodded, returning her attention back to Ameera.

"Can you lads tell John I won't be coming to the studio until Ameera's better?" I asked the boys and they nodded after a few seconds.

"Yeah, we will. John will understand... Hopefully." Liam said and I nodded.

We sat in silence. Not really knowing what to say to each other in this situation. Tahira and I were too worried about our daughter to even think of anything else even slightly.

It was after an hour when Ameera woke up from her nap. She just looked at all of us for a while and suddenly started crawling slowly towards us. She sat on Tahira's lap, cuddling into her while Tahira rubbed her hand on Ameera's back in a soothing motion.

"You think she'll be fine soon?" Louis asked and Tahira slowly nodded.

"She was too weak to even move her arms before... I think she'll be fine in a day or two with the medicines." Tahira replied and they nodded, but a slight relief was obvious on their faces. I handed Tahira Ameera's bottle that had her water which Tahira had prepared when Ameera had fallen asleep to keep her hydrated once she woke up.

Ameera started gulping the water down once Tahira had brought it close to her mouth. When she was done, she pushed the bottle away and rested her head under Tahira's chest.

"I think we should take our leave now... Just keep us informed about her health." Liam said and got up while Louis and Niall followed his lead. Tahira and I nodded.

"We will." We said together and I got up from the bed to close the door behind them when they left.

Tahira was wrapping Ameera up in her blankets when I walked back into our room. Her hand was rubbing over Ameera's head and back in a calming motion while she rested her back against the headrest so that it looked like Ameera was laying down on Tahira. She had taken her hijab off too and I went and sat down on the bed bedside her.

"Does it feel better than before?" I asked and she nodded with a relieved sigh.

"The temperature has gone down, but I'm not taking any more chances of her getting sick even more." Tahira said gesturing to the blankets and I nodded in understanding. I rested myself like Tahira was resting and placed my hand on Ameera's back, slightly patting it while she looked at me curiously.

For a few seconds, I'd feel myself waking up in the middle of the night before drifting off to sleep again. But whenever my eyes opened, I'd see Tahira on the far side of the bed, awake as she sat with her back facing me. In my drowsiness, I had thought I was just imagining it.

But reality hit once I truly woke up.

I was looking down, not knowing what to feel; sad or worried. But I felt a bit of both.

Tahira was halfway in Ameera's cot. Her head was above Ameera's, her nose touching Ameera's head. One of her hands was on Ameera's stomach while the other was resting near a bowl which was filled with water, a cloth in her hand. Her legs were folded and were resting on the bed while her upper body was in the cot. She even had light dark circles under her eyes.

That's when I knew I wasn't imagining Tahira being awake during the night.

With a sigh I sat down behind her, my fingers softly brushing her hair away from her face. With my other hand, I placed it on Ameera's forehead and sighed in relief when I didn't feel the burning sensation from her skin. In fact, it was almost as if her fever had died down overnight.

Tahira's eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked up at me in confusion.

"I fell asleep?" She asked and I chuckled under my breath, remembering the last time she had asked me that but I nodded nonetheless.

"As you should have. What time were you awake till?" I asked and with a sigh, she slowly sat up. I pulled her to my chest, resting her head against it before wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I don't know... I lost track of time once the clock struck five thirty." She said and I sighed. Looking at the clock, I saw it was only 7 AM. I sighed again and started running my hands in her hair in a calming motion.

"You go back to sleep, darling. You need it after yesterday and this night. Ameera seems fine. I checked her temperature. It seems normal." I added when Tahira looked up at me in protest but she sighed and rested her head on my chest again.

I pulled our quilts over her and she snuggled into me more, wrapping her arms around my back and soon her breath evened out. I kept looking down at her and once I was sure she was deeply asleep, I placed a kiss to the top of her head with a small smile on my lips.

What a mother you are, darling.


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