Chapter 49

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry." I heard Tahira say in a somewhat astounded yet horrified manner as she looked at the screen of her phone. I looked at her confused "What happened, Tahira?"

"Is Louis going to be a dad?"

I choked on my spit "What!?" I exclaimed and walked towards her, looking at the phone screen over her head. I shook my head in denial "No, it's not possible. He just broke up with Eleanor four months ago!"

Sad but true. I was actually very sad to discover that Louis and Eleanor broke up because of the distance they had to face while Louis was touring with us. It actually made me scared for my future with Tahira if I keep on touring. But I knew that it was just a temporary fear I had to get over with.

Her phone screen showed an article written by The Sun, saying Louis got his recently made best friend, Briana Jungwrith pregnant. I knew it wasn't true because Louis had said that he'd never have a relationship with someone so soon. It was also confirmed by a 'mutual friend.'

I frowned at that because Louis hadn't talked to any of his friends recently. We were on tour for crying out loud! And yes, Sophia and Tahira were with us on tour for some time now and will be until they both had to leave for college when it's starts in September. (Okay honestly I don't know what Sophia is doing at the moment, but let's just go with it.)

"It's a fake story, Tahira." I said and she sighed in relief "You should tell your fans that. They sent me this link." She said and I smiled slightly. After Tahira had gotten her results, I had insisted she make herself a twitter account to which she reluctantly agreed, after much persuation.

The fans had thankfully accepted her with open arms when she created her account, saying it was about time she did and congratulating her on her results in the finals. And anyone who hated on Tahira, the fans immediately jumped in her defence, not even sparing a second to leave the hater alone. They made me even proud than they usually did.

Just then Louis entered the living room of the hotel we were in, a bag of chips in his hand and looked at us confused when he saw the position we were standing in. Well, I was still peeking over her head to look at the screen.

"What happened now?" He asked and I looked at Tahira who looked at her phone before holding it out towards Louis, who took it with a suspicious look. The bag of chips in his hands dropped to the floor, his eyes widening as he read on before he almost crushed Tahira's phone in his hand

"What the hell is this!?"

He exclaimed and I quickly pulled the phone out from his hand, returning it to Tahira "The fans sent Tahria the link on twitter. They want an answer, Louis." I said and he glared at the floor.

"Briana and I are just best friends. I haven't slept with her. Not even thought about doing it." Louis said and I nodded at Tahira who thankfully understood my gesture and started typing

@Tahira_Sultan: Directioners, Louis isn't going to be a dad. He just denied this rumour right in front of me.

"I'm denying the news. Would that be alright with you, Louis?" Tahira asked before she tweeted what she typed and Louis nodded

"The sooner they know the truth, the better." Louis said and happy to get the consent, Tahira tweeted it.

Immediately her phone started making buzzing sounds obviously the fans were waiting for the denial by any of us, or by people close to us.

They were happy. Some were saying that Louis would have made an amazing dad, some just happy to get the new rumour over with.

But what happened in the next hour wasn't expected.

"Guys..." Tahira trailed off, frowning at her phone again and we turned around in our seats to look at her as we sat in the car, driving towards the stadium for soundcheck before the concert started. Louis was still in some sort of shock from the new rumour, but I knew he'll get over it soon.

"What happened?" Niall asked and Tahira looked lost "You know I tweeted about the baby rumour of today?" She asked and we exchanged looks before looking back at her in confusion.

"Yeah. Why?" Liam asked and Tahira closed her phone.

"Because that tweet isn't there anymore. Someone deleted it." We gaped at her.

"But that's not possible! How can someone just delete a tweet unless..." I trailed off and quickly pulled my phone out before dialling a number I had been using to my advantage for two years now.

"Harry." The person said and I quickly got on the reason I had called "What's going on?" Alexander, or Alex as he likes to be called, has been my insider on the Management for almost three years now.

"They want to use the new rumour to their advantage. Not risk a drop of sales for your new album. They got your fiancées tweet deleted too because of this. Briana's manager called, saying that Briana could use this to her advantage to be a model like she wants to be. She doesn't really agree with it though, but her manager is persuasive. They want to keep the rumour going on for a few months then have her 'miscarry' the baby. The meeting for it just got over. They wanted you and Louis to argue about it too, but they can't do much in that area because you're friends with Azoff. Oh and they want to set up an interview with Good Morning America. To have Louis supposedly 'confirm' the news of the baby. That's all what's happening."

I could tell my mouth had fallen in shock. The boys, Sophia and Tahira (so to say) were looking at me in curiosity. "I'll call you back. Thanks for this." I said and hung up.

Questions immediately came from everyone and I rubbed my face with my hands "We are in a lot of trouble. Mainly you, Louis." I said and he looked at me confused.

So I explained everything to them, their expressions changing from curiosity, to straight disappointment towards the management but Tahira's face turned into those michevious expressions making me stop in the middle of my explanation.

The others followed my gaze and gave confused looks to Tahira "What did you do?" Louis asked, obviously understanding the look on Tahira's face and she opened her phone again, without giving him a reply and then showed us a picture.

Specifically speaking, a picture of her tweet.

"I've discovered enough about your management to even be suspicious of them using the rumour. So I made sure it was enough to not be anything but true and took it." We still gave her a confused look to which she sighed.

"I still have my Facebook account remember? And I have one on Google+. I could just share this there. The fans will spread it like wildfire. They won't believe it in the first place. Whether you confirm it or not." She said to Louis at the end and a feeling of pride filled me at her careful thinking.

"And they'll just end up not believing me! Because they know you won't lie whereas I can be forced to lie! That's brilliant thinking, Tahira!" Louis exclaimed in happiness while Sophia hugged Tahira in delight as they laughed.

I knew then, Tahira would do anything to protect the fans. I didn't figure it out sooner but I now understood why Tahira always kept uploading happy moments between us boys on twitter, even fought with the Management when they said she shouldn't do it.

It was because she wanted the fans to know that we were still going strong. She was always the first one to slam down the rumours of us splitting up after Zayn left. She had even made a fake account where she acted like a Directioner to just talk to random fans, know everything that's going on regarding us to deny any rumours she knew which weren't true and help them with whatever problems they had. And I knew this because she had ignored me while talking to a fan through her problem.

She was like their overprotective mother.


AN: Okay guys, everything written about the baby rumour is based on facts I've discovered. For people who still believe it's real, please don't. It's nothing but a PR stunt. For further questions, please don't hesitate to message or comment on my profile. Thanks xx. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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