Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V

 She froze and her head snapped towards me. "What!?" I leaned back a bit and nodded while she sighed. "I discovered it after I married Robin. Des called me one morning and told me." I sighed and leaned against her shoulder.

"What am I going to do now, mum? I was ready to reject her but then Omar told me she's Ladybug." I said and felt my cheeks go warm when mum let out an "Awe."

I hid my face from her view and I could tell she was enjoying this. It was always known to mum and Gemma that Tahira was my first crush ever. I always told them how I'll marry her once we grew up. 

"Mum, stop!" I whined a bit and she just laughed at my embarrassment and pat my back.

"It's okay, Harry. Every child has a crush once in a while."


"Do you have a recent picture of her?" Mum asked as we had our breakfast a while later. I nodded and searched through my phone.

"The boys took this just before they left a few weeks ago." I said and I passed it to her.

"Oh my! She's become so beautiful! You two would make such a cute couple!" Mum teased and I looked down.

The picture was of Tahira smiling and I was standing beside her, smiling at her. The picture looked like we were close because Louis took it sideways but I was actually standing a feet away from her that time.

"Mum, stop. Please." I said and she chuckled. "Don't you have to go to school, young man?" She asked and I shook my head. "It's Saturday, mum." 


We silently had our breakfast after that. I had been ordered to clean all the dishes while mum made herself comfortable on the couch. After I was done with the dishes I went to the living room and as mum was sitting on one end of it, I decided to lay my head down in her lap and her fingers automatically went in my hair, massaging my scalp.

"Tell me how you met her again." I complied to her request and told her everything. Mum was proud that I helped her from the bullies and she was very happy when she learnt that I had helped Tahira from Zubair.

"I guess that's why I felt so protective of her. On some level subconsciously, I knew she was Ladybug. Mum, I heard Louis say that for some reason I was my old self with her." I said looking up at her and she looked deep in thought.

 "I'll tell you a story, Harry." Mum said and I just looked at her patiently.

"When I was in college, I dated Desmond and we had a small group of four friends." She smiled a bit at me. "Two of them were engaged to each other. They were Omar and Sara." She looked a bit lost in thought "Sara was my roommate while Omar was Desmond's. That's how we all knew each other. Now, what I am about to tell you listen carefully, okay?"

I nodded quietly and she continued.

"Back in India, Omar came from a wealthy family. His parents were a bit concerned about his marriage life when he was a teenager so he and Sara got promised to each other when they were still in school. And honestly speaking, Harry, never in my life have I ever seen such a unique relationship as theirs. They were never once caught fighting. Trust me. We tried to see it once so we set up a whole scenario and everything. But they just quietly sat down and talked it all out."

I looked at her confused. "Why are you telling me this, mum?" I asked and she smiled.

"I just want you to understand that sometimes being promised to someone as a child may not be that bad. When Desmond told me this, naturally I was a bit upset but you and Tahira have a choice whether to accept this or not. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything, Harry. I just want you not to react immediately but think about it carefully, okay?"

She asked and I nodded but then a thought occurred to me. "If Omar and Sara were already engaged, then how am I older than Tahira?" I asked.

"It's because Omar wanted to stand up on his own feet so that he could support Sara and Tahira on his own. He didn't want to feel like he was just using his parents money and wanted to be independant. It took him a while, but he did it and then they got married. You were already a few months old by then." I just buried my face in her stomach. 

 "I'm glad you found her." Mum said after a while and I turned my neck to look at her. "I am too, but why?" She smiled.

"Would you be in this position if you didn't?" Mum and and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, mum. For what I did. I didn't want to do it, mum. I swear but-" She placed her hand on my mouth, silencing me.

"You can tell me that another time, okay? When you're really ready." I sat up and hugged her tightly. 

"Harry, tell me something." Mum said and I nodded.

"Do you still have a crush on Tahira?" She asked in a playful tone and I groaned again while she just laughed.

"Mum! You said you'd stop!" 

My phone suddenly rang and when I looked at the ID it flashed 'Tahira'.

"Go on, pick it up." Mum said and I obliged.

"Harry?" I felt my eyebrows frown. "Sara? What's wrong?"

Mum looked at me confused. "What did you a say to Tahira before you left?" She asked and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What happened, Sara?"

"She locked herself in the room." I felt myself take in a relieved breath but I did it a second too soon.

 "She collapsed in her room, Harry. She's in the hospital." 


 AN: Respond a bit people! I'm giving you double updates per day now! XP but honestly give me your reviews on each chapter. They mean a lot to me. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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