Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hello?" I asked groggily as I picked up my phone when it started ringing, waking me up.

"Harry, where are you!?" Louise's, the bands hairstylists, voice rang through the phone.

"I'm home. Sleeping. What do you want at this ungodly hour? The sun isn't even up yet!" I groaned, throwing my head back on my pillow. I could feel Louise roll her eyes at me.

"Get your butt out of bed. You have to leave for the programme, remember?"

My eyes widened in remembrance of yesterday's events. "Give me fifteen." I said and without waiting for a reply, hang up on her. I exhaled loudly before getting up from the bed. I took a quick shower before picking up my bag I had packed last night.

Louise was leaning against her car, dangling her keys on her finger. Her white blonde hair were in a messy bun above her head while she wore jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I heard her mutter a 'Finally.' under her breath and I rolled my eyes. We quietly sat down in the car, not a word exchanged between us as Louise drove away from London.

"Where am I going?" I asked after an hour of being on the road.

"Cheshire. But not Holmes Chapel. We will stop at a warehouse where you will be transformed into 'Marcel' then I will be taking you to Knutsford."

"Am I allowed to go visit mum?" I asked but Louise shook her head. "You can talk to her on the phone but you aren't allowed to visit her. We all mean it, Harry. The fans need the old you back, the boys need their brother back and Lux needs her Harry back."

I smiled a little at the thought of Louise's two year old daughter. "She's been upset that her Harry has been ignoring her." She said quietly and I looked outside to avoid Louise's stare. She stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.

Half an hour later, Louise pulled up at a rundown warehouse and got out of the car. I silently followed her inside and my mouth parted in shock. The inside of the warehouse was a complete opposite of its outward appearance. There were stations there from what I could gather for make-up, hairstyling and clothing. All of them were set up as if they had been planning this idea of forcing me to do this for months.

"You'll be starting here, Harry." Louise said and motioned towards the make-up station. I quietly sat down and another woman joined Louise. "Freckles or acne?" The woman asked Louise while I gaped at her.

"Freckles? Acne? What the hell, Lou!?"

She just waved her hand at me. "Go for small freckles on the nose and few on the cheeks. Is the team ready?" Louise asked ignoring me and the woman nodded. "We will start right now."

Out of nowhere, three people appeared at their side. "Remember, he should be unrecognisable." They all nodded and I felt my eyes widen.

After three gruesome hours of having my face being caked on by make-up, my hair pulled and pulled on making my scalp ache, and after changing clothes again and again to get a proper look to satisfy Louise, I was finally allowed to see myself in the mirror. My jaw dropped when I saw my new look. "I look ridiculous!"

From the tight jeans I was wearing in the morning, I found myself wearing brown khaki pants where a belt was keeping my shirt firmly tucked in and wore a checkered vest over it. My hair, my curly hair was gelled and combed sideways until they became straight. My green eyes were now brown thanks to contacts and were hidden by my fake glasses which covered half of my cheekbones.

Louise snickered beside me. "I think it's a good look. Be thankful I didn't completely change your face like the management asked me to."

"I still look like myself a bit." I grumbled and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Common knowledge, Marcel, there are seven people in the world who look like each other. You will be no different from Harry Styles." I just nodded and she sighed.

"Come on, Haz. We still got a long way to go."

"We are here." Louise said after a few hours later. My eyes traveled at the line of similar looking houses before resting on mine. It was a average looking house with cream walls. Louise walked upto the door producing keys from her purse and opened it.

She gestured for me to follow her and I picked up my bag which was now filled with my new clothes. The house from the inside was not too poor or too rich but somewhere in the middle of it. The walls were painted white, bare of pictures. There were two couches with a coffee table in front of a small TV. The kitchen was small, but big enough for one person with a white marble counter in front, separating the living room from the kitchen.

"Everything you may need for school is in your room upstairs. Your new phone." She handed an old Nokia phone and pulled my iPhone and Blackberry out of my pockets.


I tried snatching them back but she put them in her purse. "I've added my number to your phone and the managements. Your groceries have already been bought for you. Here are the keys to your new car." She handed them to me and I grumbled before taking them.

"Why can't I keep my Range Rover?"

"Because Marcel can't afford it." She said before resting her forehead against her palm. "Look, Harry. I know you don't realise this but this programme will be good for you. The world wants the old cheeky Harry who loved his life with the band and frankly we all miss him too."

"But he's dead... I can't be that Harry anymore." I whispered and she pat my cheek.

"Oh, he's still there. Just waiting to come out again. Goodbye, Harry, and good luck." With that, she walked out of the house but poked her head back in. "School starts tomorrow!" She called out. I groaned in reply and heard her laugh in return.

I wonder if I could actually be a nerd.


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