Chapter 46

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Guys warning you. Get tissues ready. I mean it. xx


Harry's P.O.V

We spent most of our time touring and doing sound checks. Releasing a concert movie in the middle of tour and helping a guy propose to his girlfriend were the highlight of the tour so far... Well, for me. The lads were enjoying themselves, being their usual selves, but I couldn't help but notice Zayn getting sadder throughout the months.

I had once asked him about it but he just smiled and waved me off, saying he was missing his family. First I thought that was the case but then he started getting more serious... Very unlike the Zayn we knew.

New Year's passed with fun. Since we were on break that time, we had decided to go back and celebrate it with our families and girlfriends/fiancées. Niall had asked Pooja to come to Ireland during it. Their friendship had grown into something deeper, something with a more meaning to it.

Niall had said that apparently Pooja was allowed to date... after the guy had met her parents and got their approval. He had done it during New Years when he got the whole family plane tickets for Ireland as a Christmas gift.

Though he had yet to ask her, he had told us he was going to do it sooner rather than later, but he was still unsure if he'd be introducing her to the fans or keep their relationship a secret. We all had told him that it was his choice, that he'd know when it was time by himself.

Though what I didn't know was that something was coming. Something that could have ruined us.

Zayn was accused of cheating when he was seen with a girl after the concert was over. None of us believed it. Zayn loved Perrie too much to do that and bless that girl, she didn't believe the rumour either.

We supported him through the tide. Telling him that we knew the truth and that was all that mattered because we knew the fans would support Zayn because they knew him almost as well as we did. But alas, Zayn left tour to fix his relationship with Perrie. But we carried on, one of us usually taking up Zayn's solos. Liam had decided to do the high notes, he kept practising whenever he could.

One night, a phone call woke me up. Thinking it was Tahira, I had smiled groggily and picked it up "Hey, Tahira." I said and a throat cleared

"It's me, Harry." Zayn's voice rang in my ears and I immediately sat up on the bed

"Zayn?" I pulled the phone back to look at the time, 2:14 AM, and brought the phone back to my ear "What's wrong, mate?" I asked and he was silent for a while I thought he had hung up "Zayn? Are you there, lad?" I asked again and a deep breath being taken in was heard

"Haz... Harry... I'm quitting."

I frowned "Quitting what?" He took a deep breath again

"Everything... I can't do this anymore... The fame... This isn't me, Harry..." I felt my heart start to pound loudly in my chest, sweat breaking out on my forehead. This was worse than I had previously thought.

"You're quitting the band?" I whispered, feeling like I knew the answer myself.

I felt tears prick my eyes but I blinked them away "Yes... I'm really sorry about breaking the news like this. This whole thing with the rumours... It's causing a lot of trouble for Perrie and I... and I don't want that for us anymore..." That's when a tear fell down my cheek. I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing. I never though Zayn felt this way... "Harry?"

I cleared my throat "I'm here... It's just a big shock... Why didn't you tell us, Zayn? We could have helped. We've been brothers for almost five years now... How could you hide your feelings from us?" I asked and I knew he caught on to the hurt present in my voice

"It's not you boys, Harry... I just want to be myself. Express myself in my own way. And I can't do that while I'm in the band."

I frowned "What are you saying, Zayn?"

"Harry... I want to start a solo career... Being in a band wasn't something I planned... Spending the last five years with you lads has been incredible. But I just want the world to know the real me."

That was when I knew I wasn't the only one crying. Zayn always did a good job of hiding it. "No... It's... I can understand..." I said and I meant it. None of us thought of being in a band when we had auditioned for X-Factor.

"I'll call you later, Harry... I need to go... Goodbye." He said and hung up before I could reply.

I brought my phone down in my lap, staring at it in disbelief. The tears I held back started falling down my face, my mind still taking time to process what had just happened. Then when my thoughts drifted off to the rest of the boys. When Niall came into my mind, I didn't know how I could ever break this news to him.

Without a second thought, I dialled Tahira. Not caring that she'd probably be in class right now because I really needed her that moment "Harry, can I call you la-"

"Zayn's quitting the band."

I interrupted her and I could hear something drop "Wha... Oh, Harry..." She whispered and I closed my eyes tightly

"He just called... He says he wants a solo career. That he can't handle being in the band anymore." I said opening my eyes and I heard her take a deep breath in before releasing it

"I don't know what to say... I thought he was happy being in the band..."

I nodded but then remembered I was on the phone "We thought so too... I don't know how I'll tell the boys about this..." I said and her her sigh

"Let Zayn do it, Harry. That's the least the boys deserve after this." She said and I slightly sniffed. She immediately caught on 

"Harry, don't cry. Please. Everything will be fine in the end. I know it's hard right now but it'll be fine. Trust me." She whispered and I nodded "I do. I just can't believe he's doing this..." I said

"I know... It's a shock for me too... Now, please stop before I start crying with you." She said and both of us let out a small chuckle, but I knew she wasn't kidding so I wiped my tears away and smiled slightly.

"How is it that you can lift up my saddest of moods?" I could tell she smiled and was blushing at the same time "I could ask you the same."

God, I really loved her!


AN: Welcome to 2015!!! -.- . Drama starts now. Brace yourselves everyone. BUT THE CINDERELLA BALL AAAHHH!!!! IT WAS SO AMAZING TO SEE ALL THOSE KIDS HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES!!!! Louis is THE best guy ever. So proud and happy for him :') :')Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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