Chapter 82

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Harry's P.O.V

I messed up. Big time.

And I knew that when Tahira gave me that disappointed look before walking to her new room.

How long I stood there, just staring blindly where Tahira's face was before she walked away, I didn't know. Thoughts ran through my brain and slowly, I realised she was right. I was acting like a bloody adolescent.

I made my feet move quietly towards Tahira's new room and twisted the knob. It opened thankfully without a sound and I poked my head in the room. Tahira was there on the bed, sleeping in a foetal position. The blanket was covering her completely so that only her neck and face could be seen. I was about to step into the room but then thought better of it end walked back into my room.

The whole night I kept tossing and turning, not getting even an ounce of sleep as Tahira's words rang in my mind again and again. I felt even more guilty than I ever did before. Especially for shouting at her when it wasn't her fault at all. Like the famous saying goes, it takes two to tango.

When I was sure that Tahira was awake, I got out of bed and walked out of the room. Walking in the kitchen I saw she was making breakfast with one hand, being careful with her bandaged one. I quickly walked over to her, taking the plate she held in her bandaged hand and took the spatula too

"Let me." I said and she stepped away from me and the stove. She didn't look at me when she did but I didn't say anything either, just silently transferred the egg from the frying pan into the plate.

I held it out towards her and she took it without uttering a single word. I realised she was giving me the silent treatment. I internally groaned but then, I knew I deserved it too. I placed my hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking away but she shrugged it off as soon as I placed it there making my frown

"I'm sorry." I said quietly and she stopped mid step "You were right... Not only about me acting like an adolescent but about everything." I continued and for a while she stayed where she was but then walked away without saying a word or even looking at me.

Half the day passed like that. She didn't show any signs of forgiving me or even acknowledging me. It made me feel even worse than before. Because it was acutely telling me how much I had hurt her yesterday.

When I walked towards her room, I saw her bandaging her hand but was having a few troubles so I immediately walked over, not caring that she might not let me help her but when I took the bandage from her, she didn't protest or attempt to take it from me.

I sat down on my knees in front of her and took her hand in mine. She didn't look at me, her eyes were on her palm and my gaze followed hers only to wince.

The cut was big. Only leaving a centimetre on each side of the palm. It was red, but healing and I knew it would leave a scar.

"How did it happen?" I asked, not looking at her and not knowing if I'll get a reply or not but then she sighed

"The vase." She said quietly and the guilt in me rose even more. Without saying anything else, I started bandaging her hand as carefully as I could.

Securing it with a pin, I didn't let go of her hand and she didn't pull it towards her either. I hesitantly looked up at her and saw her giving me a sad look but she quickly changed it to a neutral expression and got up, pulling her hand away from mine.

As she walked away from me I quickly turned on my knees and caught her wrist, forcing her to turn towards me and I got up on my knees. I took both her hands in mine, being careful about her bandaged one and looked up at her

"Don't. You've been apologising since morning but an apology isn't going to work this time, Harry. What you did, and the way you reacted... That wasn't anything I was expecting from you. And on top of that, you go get drunk out of your mind so much that Liam found you and had to drop you off!" She said and I sighed, looking away from her

"The dates add up." I said quietly and I could tell she was frowning "What dates?" She asked and I looked back at her

"You remember the night I had that nightmare on our honeymoon?" I asked and she nodded "That nightmare... It was like a continuation of the first one... But only difference was that it was thirty years later." I said and my voice cracked slightly as I continued "The date on your gravestone... and this date... they all add up. It's like it'll really happen, Tahira, and I'm scared... I don't want to lose you. I can't even handle you giving me the silent treatment. I don't know how I'll survive if something did happen to you..." I trailed off as a stray tear fell down my cheek.

Tahira sighed, closing her eyes and when she opened them again, they softened as they looked at me. Pulling her hands from mine, I thought she was going to walk away again but she surprised me by cupping my face in her hands. My eyes widened slightly as her thumb wiped away the stray tear

"And then I told you it won't come true. You're letting fear take over you, Harry. And that isn't healthy for any of us. The dates... They could be a coincidence but we can take precautions for it too." She said

"We can?" I asked and she nodded with a small smile "Of course we can. By doctors help and by prayers." She said and sat up on her knees too but didn't release my face from her hands

"Everything will be fine in the end, Harry. I promise you. But you have to trust me on this." She said and I nodded

"I trust you with my life. But..."

"Have I ever broken a promise to you?" She asked and I shook my head "Never." I said

"So why would I start now?" She asked and I cracked a small smile and rested my hand on her stomach, right where our baby was

"I'll take care of you. Of both of you."


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