Chapter 74

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Harry's P.O.V

"He left, wanting to prevent further arguments that could ruin their family..."

Tahira read the next day. She was reading the book I had bought her as the graduation present, translating it in English as she read on for my benefit.

We were laying down on the tartan picnic blanket, my head resting on her stomach while we enjoyed our lazy day in Hyde Park. My eyes were closed, just listening to her read. My hands were folded on my stomach as we just relaxed in each other's presence.

The park was not much crowded and luckily we had found an isolated spot.

"Harry?" Tahira asked after finishing off, what I guessed was the chapter

"Hm?" I mumbled, opening my eyes I turned my head towards her. She chuckled and shook her head

"Nothing. I thought you had fallen asleep. And on that note lift your head, I want to sit up." She said and I complied, laying my head down again on her lap when she sat up, her back against the thick tree trunk.

Much to my confusion, she looked at a bush, narrowing her eyes at it "Thought so." She muttered and I waved my hand in front of her face

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked and she looked down at me

"Don't look now, but I think there's a pap behind the bush. I saw a flash go off there." She said and I groaned.

Just what we needed today. Not.

"Forget about it. Let's enjoy our day." I said but sighed when she bit her lip. I sat up, towering over her, I cupped her cheek in my hand "Just pretend you never saw the pap. We'll deal with whatever happens okay? And to be on a safer side, I've been thinking of changing my twitter icon for a while anyway." I said and she nodded with a slight chuckle and a blush, knowing what I was talking about and I kissed her nose with a small smile.

We went home soon after that, our mood spoiled by the pap even I had seen after a while. When we reached home, I called John telling him what had happened, adding that I'll be announcing our marriage after we had hung up. He was reluctant at first but then agreed that it was high time the fans knew.

Before I could change my icon, Tahira had called, saying lunch was ready and served, and to get my butt there before it got cold. It had made me laugh when she had called like that but when I saw my recently made favourite dish, Biryani, if I remember the name correctly, I eagerly sat down while Tahira shook her head at me with a smile.

I was stuck debating on two pictures I could use as the new icon. Both were from our wedding day, only difference being that in the first picture, we were looking towards the camera. Wide smiles on both our faces and my arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her close to me. The second picture, I was leaning towards it more.

It was taken mere minutes after the first one. The difference in this picture was that instead of the wide smiles, we had small ones on our lips. My forehead was resting on hers, eyes reflecting pure happiness as we gazed at each other. I had even nudged my nose on hers, the picture capturing her mid giggle, but a blush on her cheeks was present. My hand cupping her neck as my thumb brushed her cheek. I then thought the answer was obvious. Using the second picture for my icon, I uploaded it and then tweeted

@Harry_Styles: @Tahira_Sultan It couldn't have been more perfect. Love you, my dear wife. xx

Tahira's phone beeped then. Screen flashing my tweet just as she walked into the room, but was wearing different clothes from before. She groaned when she saw me looking at her in confusion. Shaking her head, she muttered "Don't ask." and plonked herself next to me on the couch, wrapping her arms around my waist, she lay her head on my chest.

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