Chapter 127

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Harry's P.O.V

Contrary to other days, I had woken up before Tahira today. And the sight above me made me smile.

Tahira was sprawled across my chest. The hand that rested on my chest was curled up slightly on one side while her head rested on the other. I could feel our legs being intertwined under the quilts and one of my arms was wrapped around Tahira's waist.

Now I know we've woken up like this many times in the last three years, but today, Ameera had joined us; obviously having crawled on us from her cot in the middle of the night. She was laying down on my chest, under the arm Tahira had across my chest and my other arm was wrapped around her back.

I didn't care how or when it had happened, but I didn't remember waking up this happy ever before. Minus the night after our wedding, of course. But I reluctantly pulled away from them, keeping Ameera on my chest as I did so that I didn't wake her up. Once I got up from the bed, I placed Ameera back in her cot before heading towards the bathroom.

When I walked back into the room with a towel wrapped around my waist after having a shower, I didn't know whether to chuckle or groan at the sight I saw.

Tahira was still sleeping in the same position but Ameera had woken up from her sleep and was back on the bed. Her hand were on Tahira's cheeks, a frown on her face while Tahira slept on, oblivious to what's happening.

But suddenly Tahira moved. She reached out and took Ameera in her arms with a shout that sounded like a childish battle cry, but I guessed it was for Ameera's benefit. She trapped Ameera between her arm and her body and started tickling her stomach which made Ameera squeal from surprise and laughter while Tahira grinned at her.

I leaned against the wall behind me, arms crossed on my chest as I looked at mother and daughter enjoying themselves early in the morning. Wrapped up in each other so much that they didn't notice me standing there, looking at them with a smile. But a laugh escaped my lips when Ameera took hold of Tahira's hair just as she pulled her head back, making Tahira groan from suddenly having her hair pulled.

Her head snapped towards me when she heard me laugh and a blush came on her cheeks. And that wasn't because I saw them playing, it was because of what had made me want to groan before. Tahira's, well, my shirt she was wearing on the rare nights she'd let me convince her to wear them, had ridden up so that her midriff was slightly exposed. But she quickly adjusted it over the pyjama bottoms she was wearing once she saw me and gave me a smile

"Good morning." Tahira said with a small smile and I stood up straight against the wall before walking over towards them

"Good morning, darling." I said softly and placed a kiss to her head before siting down on the bed next to her.

"Ameera! Save me!" Tahira shouted with a laugh as I ran away from the living room towards the back garden with Tahira hoisted over my shoulders. I looked back and saw Ameera looking at us with a frown but slowly started following us.

I stopped in my tracks, wanting to see what Ameera would do in this situation. But to our amusement, when Ameera reached us, she started tugging on my jeans with a whine and then raised her arms up in the air with a pout.

"Wow. Glad to know I can rely on you to save me, daughter." Tahira commented and I laughed loudly. I carefully placed Tahira back on her feet and picked Ameera up in my arms.

To my surprise, she curled her fingers and lightly hit me on the jaw with a frown, her eyes accusing as they looked at me. Tahira covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide the laugh that was about to escape.

She stretched up on her toes and kissed Ameera's cheek, ruffling her hair "My knight in shining armour." Tahira said and I pouted

"I thought that was me." I said and Tahira looked at me with a mischevios smile while Ameera rested her head against my shoulder

"You're the big bad monster." She said and I raised an eyebrow

"The big bad monster? Hm. Let's see just how bad, shall we?" I said, my eyes shining with a promise that made Tahira blush brightly

"You wouldn't." She said and I chuckled. I cupped her face with my hand and brought it up closer to me so she had to stand on her toes, hands resting on my chest for support

"Oh, it's a promise, darling. I would." I said and her mouth parted in surprise, eyes widening slightly. I chucked and placed a kiss to her open mouth.

"When was the last time you got laid, lad?"

I raised my head up from the table in surprise of the sudden question, feeling slightly grumpy from the lack of sleep. I looked up to see the boys looking at me in question, but I could see a little concern in them as well. We were in the recording studio, writing songs for our next album.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked them and they shrugged

"You look as grumpy as a man does when he's refused to getting laid." Louis said and I chuckled

"If only that was the case. Ameera wasn't feeling well early morning so we were up taking care of her." I said and they looked concerned

"Everything alright?" Niall asked and I nodded

"She seemed better when I left." I said and they sighed in relief. Suddenly, Louis raised an eyebrow at me

"But when was the last time you got laid?" Louis asked and I raised an eyebrow at him in surprise

"When was the last time you think I did?" I asked in return and they shrugged

"Four days ago?" Louis guessed

"Last week?" Niall added

"Two weeks ago?" Liam said and I burst out laughing.

They really had no idea.

"Why are you laughing, Harry?" Liam asked and I tried to sober myself up but burst out laughing again

"I was right. You really have no idea." I managed to say through my laughter. They gave me raised eyebrows and an expectant look. Even though I didn't want to tell them, I really wanted to see their reaction to the reality of it.

"Last night." I said and their eyes widened as they gaped at me, making me laugh harder

"And before that?" Louis prodded and I chuckled, leaning back against my chair

"Ah, you don't want to know." I said but all of them leaned in, wanting to be answered and I shrugged "Well, after Ameera fell asleep when you dropped her home the day before yesterday," I said looking at Niall "I lost count after the third time." I told them and their faces turned comical. Their eyes widened more than ever before and their jaws dropped.



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No Choice || H.S.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang