Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V 

"Harry?" Omar asked and he came towards me. I just looked at him with a neutral expression and his face hardened a bit.

"Why are you telling me this now? Why not before?" Omar asked.

"Because I didn't remember until you reminded me just now." I said and he hesitantly put his hand on my shoulder.

"You've grown up since I last saw you." He said and I shrugged his hand off my shoulder.

"I was just six when we last saw each other." I said and he sighed. "Harry, I can understand that you're upset-" I laughed.

"Upset doesn't even cover what I feel right now. Did my oh so loving dad tell you how I was the first two years?" I asked sarcastically and he shook his head. "I went mute. I had no other friend besides your daughter and no one wanted me as a friend until I was forced to change schools! Did he not tell you that!?" I asked and he shook his head again, looking very upset and disappointed.

"Whatever." I said and put my contact in before walking towards the door but he grabbed my arm before I could leave. 

"Take this with you, Harry." He held out the photo album and I hesitantly took it. "Our actions as your parents may not have been correct for either of you but I just want you to know that we do regret it." Omar said and I looked away from him.

"Your regret does not make up for two years I was mute." I said and put my glasses on before opening the door but I stopped a second before I left.

"Does dad know you're here?" I asked but he shook his head. "Only that we're in Cheshire. Nothing else."

I had walked a few steps after walking out of Omar's office when Tahira rounded up the corner. A concerned look came on her face once she saw me. "Are you okay now?" I shook my head and took hesitant steps towards her.

I stopped myself when I was just a few inches away from her and took her hand in mine, giving it a small squeeze.

"Not right now. But soon, Ladybug." I gave her a small smile before leaving her house.

As I drove towards my house, a few tears escaped my eyes but I hastily wiped them away. I finally reached my house and as fast as I could, I went to my room carrying the album with me. I sat on my bed and flipped the cover of it. The first page was just a plain white sheet with a title on it.

'Harry and Tahira's memories together.'

I felt a small smile form on my lips and I proceeded through the album. 

The first picture on the page was of me holding Tahira. It looked like we were in the hospital as Tahira still looked red in the picture. I was holding her close to me and grinning at the camera while she kept on sleeping. I turned to the next page.

It was a picture of me kissing Tahira's temple while she slept. She must have been a few months old that time. As I kept going through it I saw many of our memories that we don't remember as we grow up. 

There was one where we were sleeping on the same bed, when she had the nightmare; one where we were just hugging each other; where I was feeding her chocolate cake and her face got completely covered in it. There was even one where I was nursing her bleeding knee. She was looking at me with a sad pout while I looked like I was blowing on her wound and I had a piece of cotton in my hand. 

 By the end of the album, I was in tears. I didn't wipe them away this time but I grabbed my phone and dialled my mum. I really needed her comforting words and I was at a point of not caring if I was fired or not.

"Hello?" I heard her ask groggily and I sniffed a bit.

"Mum?" I asked, my voice was a bit throaty and I could tell she immediately caught on to my emotions. 

"What's wrong, darling?"

"Mum." I said and tears escaped my eyes even faster.

"Harry, what's wrong? You're worrying me." I coughed a bit before replying. "I found her, mum." I said and I could tell she was confused.

"Found who? Harry, you aren't messing around with girls again, are you?" She asked and I shook my head but then realised I was on the phone.

"No, mum." I could tell she sighed in relief.

"Then who did you find, Harry?" She asked and I hesitated a bit.

"Ladybug, mum. I found Ladybug. She lives here in the town I'm in." I said and she gasped.

"Oh, Harry. I'm so happy for you."

"Mum, she doesn't remember me! She had amnesia from an accident a few weeks after they left." I said and all I could hear was her breathing.

"I'm sorry, darling. I wish I could do something for you." I sniffed.

"Could you come here, mum? Alone? I need you." I said.

"Of course, darling. I'll be there in a few hours, okay?" She said and I gave her the address to my house.

Within the next three hours, I found myself crying in my mums arms as she tried to comfort me. When I was done, she didn't let me go and I buried my face against her neck while one of her hands was running through my hair and the other was rubbing my back. Until now, I had forgotten how nice it felt to be in her arms.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked and I nodded slightly. I pulled away and she wiped the tear tracks from my face. "No more crying now, okay? You're a nineteen year old man. Stop it." She said and a chuckle came out of my lips.

"Yes, mum."

"You weren't crying just because she forgot you, were you?" I shook my head and got up from the couch. I went to my room and fetched the album before walking back to mum. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the album and laughed a bit.

"They gave you that old thing?"

"Omar did." I said and she smiled as she read the title of it.

"Sara and I made this their last week here. We had such a great time remembering how adorable you both were together." She said as she flicked through the album, telling me some of the forgotten memories. A while later she was still going through it and I decided to ask her something.

"Mum, did you know that Tahira and I are promised to each other?" 


 AN: the bonus chapter is one 'yes' away. Share this story with your friends! And don't be a ghost reader! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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